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(updated: 03/04/06)

WEEK # 21 ~ Run Down




Week 21's brackets game was won by Mark B. After the initial 17 bowlers, the field was cut in half for game two with 196* (Mike L. & Pat C.) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 227 (Ed H.). Mark B. outlasted the other two in the last game with a 239. Ed H. and Tom C. finished with a 207 & a 189.



This week's card games were won by Tom C.(sub)(flush) and Ed H. (Full house& 4-6's).


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Mark B. had a ****300 GAME****; Tom C.(sub) had a 255; Ed H. had a 224; Rick P. made the 2-7.

Game 2: Jim K. had a 224; Mark B. had a 237; John B. had a 216; Tom C.(sub) had a 237; Dick S. had a 158; Mark S. had a 213; Rick P. made the 1-2-3-6-10 in the tenth; Doug Z. made the 7-9-10 split.

Game 3: Jim K. had a 205; Ray B. had a 237; Mark B. had a 239 to finish with a 776 series; Tom C.(sub) finished with a 681 series; Rick P. made the 4-9 split; Mark S. had a 192; Doug Z. had a 222; Mike L. had a 207.



Team HOP-TO-IT started out like they always do, with a 59 pin win but Team KLEVER fought back nicely with wins in games 2 & 3. Both teams split the 4 points, with HOP-TO-IT winning the first 59 and KLEVER's two wins were only by 43 pins total.

Team FOWLER didn't get things rolling until game 3, as they dropped the first two by 94 and 135 against Team BISHOP who earned 3 points on the night.

Team HUNTER started off the night with a commanding 73-pin victory over Team SCHAFER. After a very timely conversion of a "wash-out" by their anchor, Schafer & HUNTER tied in game two. Game 3 saw SCHAFER winning by 42 which was not enough to eclipse their first game loss. HUNTER earned 2.5 points & 1.5 went to SCHAFER.

Team CORP sprinted out of the gates early and took games 1 & 2 by 25 and 74 but "pulled a hammy" in game 3 as Team LEASE "ripped off their shirt", Incredible Hulk style. LEASE took game 3 by 104 which earned them a point for total as well.

After Week 10 of the 2nd half, the top five teams are only separated by 2.5 points with SCHAFER at the top at 22.5 points. Team BISHOP in a close second at 22 points, HOP-TO-IT is at 21.5, CORP is at 21 & LEASE is at 20 points. This coming week, 3/09, is the last night of the second half. So, things could get heated up. REMEMBER, we are not bowling next week, 3/16, but will be back on 3/23 for the grand finale & payouts.
