Each issue will have a featured Question and Answer page. As you send in your questions, I will select a few for each issue and bring them here. This month I bring a question sent in by Susan Moran of the UK.
Q. How much food should I feed my fish?
A. This is one time I have to honestly disagree with the fish food companies. I have been working on a study of fish food, and when I read the labels and find suggestions for feeding multiple times in a day, I cringe. Your fish should only be fed once each day, and only as much as they will eat inside of a minute, if you're feeding flake food.
If feeding live feeder fish, keep in mind that each feeder fish adds waste to the tank water until it is eaten, and once eaten, your fish will be adding more waste. Feeder fish are high in fat content, low in nutritional value, so they should only be a supplement to a diet featuring things such as frozen and pellet foods.
Black worms are a good food for most fish, especially when they are live. They have the ability to live in the gravel for up to 2 days, so the fish have a chance to eat them, thus not causing such a pollution problem if not eaten right away.
Frozen foods should be thawed in a cup of tank water before being fed to fish. Again, be careful not to over feed.
Over feeding will cause problems with water quality. Uneaten food will rot and cause ammonia levels to rise as it breaks down.
Be sure to feed your fish the proper foods. Different fish eat different things.
Thank you to Susan Moran for her submission. Look for another Q & A session with Ask Dawn in the next issue!
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