This page is dedicated to bringing you links to all of the "good stuff" I can find online. Each month there will be a featured link, something I've found to stand out from all the rest. If you have a link you'd like to share in an up coming issue, email it to me at
This is a very special place for me online. Started a few years ago by a wonderful man named Rich, it has grown to be one of the best aquatic message boards in the world! I found this board a few years ago, not long after it started, and have grown to be friends with many there. These people, from around the world, work together to help any/all who ask for it. The topics/boards range from cold water and pond help, to tropical, to marine, to cichlids! The experience is there, and you can usually find aid within 24hrs of posting, sometimes much sooner. There is even a board for aquatic plants... how awesome is that? The rest of the site contains detailed pictures and stats on most of the popular species of fish and invertebrates.
At Rich's TFC you'll also find help with equipment related to the aquarium, a board to buy/sell used equipment, an emergency board, instructions for setting up an aquarium, fish health care, feeding & diet advice, and lots of wonderful pictures of aquariums of people from around the world.
Rich is currently in the hospital, recovering from a stroke. Here at Aquariumworld Magazine, we'd like to wish him a full and speedy recovery, and to thank him for his wonderful contribution to the net! "Get well soon, my friend!"