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In each issue I will make notes here for you to read.  Special thanks, any important update information that I may obtain, and general observations between issues.

I'd like to start by saying thanks to all those around me who supported my efforts in making this EMagazine a reality, and to those who survived the struggle to live with me during my "work in progress".  Long hours of study, many brains to pick, and many nights lost in the world of the computer, building each page and making it special.  Mike, I love you!  Kids, I haven't forgotten you!  Dad, I'm still alive!

To Joe, Rob, LuAnn, & Mike at Hoffer's Tropic Life Pets in Milwaukee, WI:  Thanks for all of the support, the many questions I've had to ask, and the many lessons you've taken time to teach.  Special thanks to Joe, who made sure I've always had plenty of materials to study, and for proof reading some of the pages on this site before I was comfortable enough to post them as "complete". 

Thanks to my many pets, and all of my fish friends!  The animals are the true inspiration behind this website.

I learned a lot during this venture, and I'm excited about each upcoming issue.  I expect each will get better than the one before it.  I am full of ideas for articles and issues to come, but will need your help.  I need YOUR ideas!  I need your questions, your photos, your stories of success and celebrations!  If it's at all aquatic, it qualifies.  I am even seeking stories of failures, in hopes that in sharing our failures with others, we can offer our knowledge to others, and prevent future problems from arising somewhere else.  So often I have seen how one person's problem can help so many.  The most valuable gift in life is knowledge!

I hope you enjoy the first issue of Aquariumworld Magazine Online!

I'll see you all in the next issue!
