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Little World of Mine

Welcome to my world. Here in in this tiny place i live. Some how managing to plan my own demise through intentional and unitentional actions and also interactions with others. Among what i do or do not say, i do see the dark outlines of the truth in most of the lies around, and latch on to the thin outlines, for eventually they will lead somewhere. But from time to time i find myself completly in the dark, wondering without sight, but yet trying to listen, for i can see hear those that see some light. But sometimes what i hear becomes distored, and so those words cannot always be relied on. I rely on my insights and watching the movements, words and actions of others to feed myself life, but yet to try and learn how to improve others lives....

A few things to remember that have helped me and may help you but also may hinder you:

1) Always keep good on your word, for you never know when you may need someone to keep their word.

2) Sometimes standing up alone is better then sitting down with the others

3) Give a little even if you get nothing in return.

4) Time is faster then it seems, dont let in slip away... also, It is better to tell someone how you feel today, then put it off till later, cuz sometimes there isn't a later... etc. Well enough of that common knowlege stuff.

College is where i am at this point in my life. My half of the year at collge has been overally hetic, I had 18 credits first semester, that along with homework, working, play pratice/perfomances and finding time to breathe inbetween dealing with my parents, taking out loans, disputing with people who refuse to leave me alone, making new friends, trying (and failing for the most part) to keep in touch with high school friends and sleeping between 3 1/2 to five hours a night... ahh. For a long time i was worried i was going to fail one of my classes due to all the stress from everything. But THANK GOD i passed.. I have not gotten a C for a long time in my life until now and my g.p.a. is the lowest i think its ever been in my life as well. Its a 3.13. Which, at least it means i can keep my scholarship here. Grades are really important to me, for these days you can't get far without education. Yeah enough of that complaining. I live at school. How WRONG is that. Actually its not that bad.. i mean the food sucks, there is no privacy and you have to wear sandals in the shower, but other then that its ok. Hehe. Yah know whats really funny, i can leave my room ten minutes before class starts and get to my class five mintues before the time i left my room. None of the clocks in the whole school say the same time. Its like each classroom and hallway has its own time zone.

Psychology. My major. I have yet to confirm a minor. I am now leaning towards Gerontology, although i am not sure. I love to learn. Listening and watching are two of my favorite hobbies. I still am sitting in my corner though. Although i am experencing more at college than in high school, I yearn for so much more. Although i don't know what is driving me. I do not understand how much i want change but dread things changing at the same time. I think i worry way too much.. but sometimes its justified... For some reason while i'm writing this my mind keeps wondering. i keep thinking about dominate and recessive traits in humans AHH. I am NOT in Human Herdity and Biology class anymore. A wondering mind is both good and bad. (Probally mostly bad) Notice how easily i am distracted from writing about what i started writing about to what i end up writing about. I am starting to forget what it was i really wanted to write about on this page. I think it was halfway interesting but oh well. I despise sitting at this computer to write but yet i am still here, typing away, unable to stop for the time being, because i am procrastinating on doing homework. I also should be doing some cleaning but i have lost my enegry. I get in these wierd moods where i either want to clean or jump around. Enough!

Alright it has been a few weeks since i started this page... perhaps i should write more? Alright, i have no clue where is page is going or what i really started it for. Yeah Yeah laugh at me it's all good. Right now i'm in a good mood. I've had a good weekend, and spent some time with an awesome friend. I'm happy. There is so much on my mind and so many things i have to do, but I am still HAPPY. No matter what lingers in the back of my mind, trying to bring me down, it will not, because i choose not to let it. Even if there are a million things that should wish to bring me down, and only one that will keep me up, That one is what i will focus on as much as possible. Friends bring that out it me I guess.. I'm sitting in my dorm room right now, listening to music and reflecting on the good things... and thinking i'm HUNGRY. hehe. Thats what i get for not eating a real meal yet today, despite it being 8:48 pm. Anyway back to whatever it was that i was saying.. I guess i just want to extend a big THANKS to all those who are in my life and just thinking of all you brings a smile to my face. I love my friends. I miss all of you, who i haven't seen in ages, and the ones who have passed on, which I WILL SEE YOU ALL AGAIN. I cannot be sure of when, but i will. I feel like dancing right now, but my philosophy book is calling my name. Thanks again to my friends, you guys make life great. Take care.