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These are the members of the Chiclets

The Chiclets

Our Motto:

"Livin' it up cuz it's fun & we CAN!"

So the chiclets are a group of girls (theres 12 of us) who are all friends here at college. We even had shirts made up with our names on them and our motto. There was one weekend where most of the chiclets went up to Alley Cat's cabin for gatorade weekend. It was a lot of fun. We took a ton of pictures and even taped some of it. Although at one point when i was taping (yeah yeah i'm blonde i admit it) i accedently left the camera on so it was pointed towards a microwave... but it was kinda funny listening to the voices and conversations that were going on in the background, but it was only about around five or so mintues before someone picked up the camera and started taping again. Man, NO ONE but those that were there are allowed to see that tape, cuz we were doing some crazy things. Lets just say that we had a some things to drink. It was really fun just to get away for a weekend from school. Normally most of us chiclets eat dinner together and try and hang out whever we get the spare chance to. I hate to say it but we used to always "grade" the guys. We would sit out in the main lounge on third floor and every time a guy would walk by and leave the room, we'd either hold up a card w/ a number on it or else show fingers grading the guy. I guess i have somewhat different tastes then most of the other chiclets... Anyway... I dunno. sometimes you might spot some of us at cub foods at midnight some nights, getting frozen pizzas and fake wine (the apple stuff normally) then coming back to the lounge and cooking the pizza's and drinking our "wine" in plasic wine glasses!! haha. its fun just being wierd sometimes. Sometimes you'll also spot a few of us at stargate dancing on wed. nights. For sure you'd probally see Alley Cat, Amanda Brown hair, little Amber and I. Amazingly, next year the four of us are going to try and get a room together on campus, so that should be fun. Well the chicklets are an awesome group of girls. College is a nice place to meet people and i'm just glad i've met each one of them.

Heres a little insight on each of the girls

Alley Cat: She is an awesome girl. Fun. Outgoing. The life of the party for the most part. Always looking to have fun. She came up with the "chiclets" She is one of my good friends here at school. Cool fact: She loves beauty and the beast.

Amanda Brown Hair: This is the other Amanda is our group and I also consider her a good friend. She is really sweet and great to be around. It was her camera that she brought to gatorade weekend to tape our crazy stuff. Cool Fact: was a bartender

Amber Roonie: well she is one of the group that i dont know too much about. shes quiet and reserved.

Em-dawg: Shes cool and nice to talk to. She's roomates with P-eggy and we hang in their room alot. Cool fact: she loves sponge bob square pants.

Heather: She's sweet, although i haven't had much of a chance to talk to her lately.

Kelly: Kelly is also nice. She and Heather are roomates. I have to admit i really like Kelly's hair.

Little Amber: She is cool. She is somewhat quiet but really great to hang around with and fun to go out dancing with. She is also a really good friend.

Mooner: Alright Moon is actually her last name. I actually met her a few months before college started, which was really cool. Shes also a sweet girl, but i don't get to see much of here these days because normally she is with her boyfriend or i'm gone. She is Amanda Brown hair's roomate. She introduced Stargate to us. Cool Fact: She love garfield.

Neighbor Amy: i actually just met her not that long ago. I think she is real sweet and she's fun to hang out with for the little bit we've gotten to go hang out together.

P-eggy: Shes also fun. She lives with Em-dawg in the room that we are always in.. that is unless NORM drops by.. Cool fact: she likes doing her nails nice and neat.

Tator Tot: Shes another sweet girl. She and Alley Cat lived in the same town together before coming to college here. Cool fact: she loves to color and coloring crayons.

Little Amanda: well i suppose i should throw in some kind of fun fact about me: I work at a coffee shop on campus: I HATE coffee.

Well that about sums up the chiclets. We are just a fun group of girls livin' as much as is possible while attending college.

Below is a picture of Alley Cat, Me, Amanda Brown Hair and Little Amber. We are wearing our Chiclet shirts that we all have. Next year the four of us are planning on getting a room together. Our room is going to be the awesomest ever! We always have so much fun together. I luv ya guys!!! (this picture was taken during gatorade weekend.)