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Letters... The Journal of Mouse

Entry One:

Dear no one, This is my first entry to you and you’d think I’d know not what to say, But I do. I want to tell you my memories, My dreams, of love and hate, of my everyday life Of hopes, of weaknesses and strengths, Of thoughts and of things seen, But most of all I want to tell you nothing. Nothing of importance because you don’t care. So this is what I write to you, my dear no one, Of whom doesn’t care. Now my dear no one, I want you to know I have always cared, And if you shall dare to respond and dare to care too, Than I’ll be here, just waiting for no one to care. No one, today is another day, just like the others But also so different. My thoughts are known to no one and to no one alone. Everything I feel and wish to say no one will know. Today I dwelled on the past, remembering being a child. Well all someones and even all no ones were children once. I was a young girl without the worries of the past, present or future, Happy and all smiles. Once. Then I woke up.

Oh yes, dear no one, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. I’m call myself Mouse, because no one cares for a tiny unknown mouse. Well no one, I’m done telling stories about nothing today, But tomorrow I’ll start again… ~ Mouse


Dear no one, Whom doesn’t care, I cried today for no one cares, I cried until my face was red and my eyes burned. I cried until I could no longer breath. I cried until I was out of tears to cry. I cried only to find it was in vain, as it always is. I cried for life and those who are no ones. I cried out of sadness and wishing I were a someone. I cried for loss of love and loss of myself. I cried for I learned my someone is worse than a no one. He doesn’t understand a someone and certainly doesn’t understand a no one. What do I do now dear no one? Where can I find myself now? There is no one to talk to because only no one listens to me. I was hurt today dear no one. Worse than I’ve been hurt any other day. All because I fell for a someone. What shall I cry for now? When I have lost all hope of becoming someone’s someone? I guess I shall just remain a no one and just keep writing to no one. No one shall hear my heart crying out in pain Or hear my silent creams of agony. No one shall care that I walk the way of life on stilts is seems For I am afraid my stilts shall break and I shall fall into the shallow world called nothing. A world that is worse than the no one world. No one shall care that I write to no one, No one shall care that I lose myself in my dreams each night, Just wishing to become someone’s someone. But being a no one, I know dreams are lost causes. Oh dear no one, I miss my someone, I just wish my someone would miss me. Oh how can I have such feelings as this? I don’t wish to keep crying for no one cares and even though I try I cannot stop the wetness from leaving my eyes and streaming down my face. So I must go to bed dear no one, And dream of that someone who will never care for a no one… ~ Mouse


Dear no one, I had many dreams last night dear no one. And as always, they were sad. The worst one was I dreamt I was a someone. I was a special someone because I was loved. Loved. That word sounds so beautiful. I wonder if it feels as nice as it sounds. Dear no one, I was a someone last night And last night I had a someone who I loved And who loved me. But then, as I always do, I woke up…

Well, as I promised I’d tell you more about me. Not that you’d care because no ones aren’t important. Promises. I never break mine… I was a someone once. A someone who was made many promises. They promised that they’d spend time with me, They promised we’d go to the lake And they promised we’d do everything together. I was promised I was the most important person in their lives. I was promised I was loved, and for awhile I thought I was, But the only thing I learned to count on was all promises would be broken. And that they were. I used to be a someone but That may be why I’m a no one now… I heard a song once that said life carries on and on and on… That it may, but what is it worth if you have no where carry on to? Dear no one, is it too much to ask to be a someone? All I need is one thing… just one to feel like a someone. And that is to be loved, just as I am… ~ Mouse


Dear no one, I have come to realize that I must talk to that someone The some one that I wish to love me So that I, as a no one Shall see if I stand the chance of becoming a someone I learned that if my someone Doesn’t love me for me Then he really is a no one In fear of becoming nothing…

So dear no one, I shall tell you of my plans about my someone. I will see if he is the special someone I believe him to be. I will face my fears of staying a no one And face hopefully becoming a someone. I will take him alone into my mind Tell him of what I have seen Tell him of my hopes and dreams. I will take him alone into a special place, A place of beauty that fits what I feel so strongly. And share my thoughts and my longings. I will take his hands in mine, And I will whisper to his face What I have forever felt. I will tell him he’s a someone, And that I shall forever love him. And if for some reason he shall falter, laugh, and turn away, Then life will go on for me, Just as a no one. But if he should smile and take me in his arms, Than I shall rejoice because things will be great And my life shall go on, Not as a no one, But as a someone who is loved, By a someone who cares… ~ Mouse


Dear no one, Are you out there.. do you care? Today I was taught a great lesson, That I may be a no one Even if someone says they care. How, I cannot not now say, But I think I shall know someday, I talked to my someone, But with him I did not share That I really do care, So here I am again, A no one of whom no someone cares, Now my someone from time to time Says he cares and I am a someone, And I’m far from the no one I once was, Yet I don’t know if he’s like the rest Just lying to pass the test, So know I am still a no one Waiting for time to tell If I am a someone and all is well And if it may be That in the end I am left a no one, Then still, to him, my love I send And I shall wait and see What will become of him… and me.



Dear no one, How are you today? Things are confusing in life When you’re a no one In love with a someone. How can it be love I wonder If I have never before felt this splendor? Yet even though I haven’t felt this before I know what love is somehow, Now about this someone All I can say, Is I am still a no one still to this day, Yes this someone continues to say, That he cares in some way, But I am afraid dear no one, For I have been a no one for so long That if I tell my someone That a no one loves him He will not understand, Then I will be back to the beginning When just now I thought I was so close to the end Of leaving being a no one and becoming someone’s someone. My dreams are still with me Each and every night I dream of that someone And me being a someone too… I see my someone smile And upon my face I too see the smile Which has so long been gone from my own face Dreams are beautiful things to have But what good is a dream gone bad? Oh dear no one what do I dream of now? When I am wondering if my someone may love me somehow… Can such a thing be true That he loves me too? If it be so, Than I am a someone And if I am, what do I do? ~Someone????


Dear no one, Times have changed And I dare say I believe That someone may love me, Time has proven over these three months That sometimes things are more then they appear to be, My someone has amazed me in more than one way, Because he was here with me today, He listened to me; He wanted to here what I, a former no one had to say, Yes, I am no longer a no one.. But am not yet sure if I am a someone So what I am, I am not do not know.. All I know is When someone cares about a no one They are not a no one to them, But a someone who loves a someone, And love is what really counts. So dear no one, I think I might understand… Although I have yet to tell him my memories, My dreams, of love and hate, of my everyday life Of hopes, of weaknesses and strengths, Of thoughts and of things seen, And of nothing, Nothing of importance… I still know that he will care Even if I talk about nothing Because that is what someone’s do, They talk about nothing But that nothing is really something to them Because they both are something to each other… ~someone yet??


Dear no one, I believe this may be My last letter to thee, I wish to say a few things before I depart And that is I am thankful for being blessed with a heart A heart in which I can love someone A heart in which even a no one can become someone, I know I am loved and that I love too I wish to tell you, my dear no one, That I am glad I wrote to you, For I have sorted my thoughts and questions down to one Although I know that no one can answer this question but me, I wish to know who I may now be. Am I a no one wishing to be someone Or am I a someone who has found I was never a no one, But a someone all along? I know the answer and it has always been here I am a someone and always have been, As we all are but sometimes it’s hard to believe Because we are so lost in our own animosity…