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This is a page where i have taken two dreams that i really had, made them fit into more of a whole picture and wrote a little story about them.

Church: Safe Haven?

It's raining, the sky is pure black. the far and few flashes of lighting are my only source of sight. I'm walking through a field, trying not to look back. I feel my feet sick into the soggy earth strait. The eyes follow me, i can feel them burning right through me. When i turn around, nothing is there, except for the twisted branches of many willo trees that surround me. I walk slowly,for how i got here and where i'm goin gi snot know to me. I the lightining, i see something moving through the brances. As the thunder sounds, my eyes try to decode what i just saw. A cloaked figure in brown holding a sword, which gleams in the flashes of light. I look again. It's still there. Fingers as white as bone, face face hooded, drowened in black. The sword swings, as if in slow motions I duck and tumble into the muddy, we grass, then on my feet again and start to run. It's behind me now, chasing. I know because i can hear it screaming over and over. I see a building in the distance, a cross in its center. A church; a glimpse of hope, like a light into the dark. My legs are burning and my head is spinning.l I feel as though i've been running for hours, yet it has only been a mtter of minutes. Somehow i know i have to make it to the church. Not much further now, but the screams are getting louder, so i know it is closing in.

I feel like I'm swimming but the screams are getting louder, so i know it is closing in. I feel like swimming there's so much rain. Almsot to the door now, lets are turing to rubber, and it hurts so bad to breathe. I slip in the mud and fall face down. Now i can't breathe, and my energy is drainin fast. i lay freezing and unmoving as the cold, wet rain hits me like tiny knives all over. My body wants to give in. I search into the depths of my soul and find the last of my strength. I jump up and breathe in deep. I half stumble, half run to the rotted wooden doors of the church. As my fingers grasp the door, i feel warmth and relief rush through me. Safe. At last. I walk into the church and no longer hear the thing's screaming.

The church is tiny and poorly furnished. Three old ladies sit in the front and are lighting the many candles, which surround the church. Everything in the church seems to be alive, almost moving as through an unseen force is present. The old laides don't notice me and they begin to reach their long, wrinkled hands towardsthe alter, as if in a trance. I can smell fresh roses, but there are no flowers in sight. Everything seems a little out of pleace. I walk to the few unlit candles, sit down and begin the light them. I close my heavy eyes and i'm alone with my prayers when i hear the door slowly creaking open and the sound of wet botts crossing the floor. I duck down as i in an effort to hide. I am so close to the candle i feel as though the intesnse heat is melting my face. The footsteps are getting closer, almost right behind me now. Silence. I hear nothing except the pounding of my heart. I look up to see my cloaked pursuers and my heart stops. In the flickering candlelight i see nothing but black where the eyes should be. Dead flesh hangs from the white skull. It almost seems to be smiling, but has no lips in which to smile. The smell. i feel like i want to pass out. I am on my feet again, running through the corridor in the tiny church.

I hear it start laughing, almost like a shrill defeating scream. I make the mistake of glancing back to see what has become of the old ladies. They were still siting in front of the candles, although now headless. Blood gushes from their severed necks and drips onto the floor. The laughter continues as i run. My heart jumps into my throat.

I can feel the room grow cold as the candles are snuffed out, leaving no light in the church. I smell death all around. I can't see it anymore, it has stopped laughing. The only sound that can be heard is the stead pounding of the rain upon the roof and the thunder echoing in the distance. I hide in a small corner, trying not to make a sound. Suddenly i hear a crash beside me and in a flash of lighting, i see the blood coated blade swing by, just inches from my face. I can't run, my legs refuse to move. My whole body is forzen in one place as the sword is once again swinging towards my face. .. Everything is black. I open my eyes to see i am in the comfort of my own room, alone, and alive. It was just a nightmare, nothing to worry about. I'm safe. Dream's aren't real. I look out my window to see night leaving and dawn approaching. The storm is almost over now. As my eyes scan the field in front of my house, i see a figure in the leaving night. Something glimmers in the early light, like a sword, but i can't be sure. I blink, and nothing is there. The sun is up. I guess it was just my imagination, right?


My feet dangle over the pool of souls. Around and around in circles the souls swim forever, casting their never ending white glow upon me, my only light in the nothingness of this place. The blackness starts beyond the pool and reaches into eternity. I hang over the souls: held up by cold "enchanted" chains that bite into my flesh. Yet i was not always here. I was brought to this place, ho long ago i cannot tell, for time here has no meaning. As I look down at the poor souls, i envy them. Although they are here to be punished as i am, their memories were taken, and they feel no pain. They live an eternity of nothingness. They are just there. I was left with my memories, which sometimes makes me suffer even more. The pain i have is intense, both in mind and body. Where my beautiful wings once were, there is now fierce pain. Oh yes, i had wings once, a gift from my mother until those who condemned me here ripped them from my back and burned them in fount of my eyes. I am surpised they didn't take any of my other gifts away. I suppose i should explain. You see, i wasn't born the same way humans or some of the other creatures are. I am of the XoEvika. When we are born we take on human form, but unlike humans, seven gifts are bestowed upon us. These seven gifts determine many things, giving us physical characteristics but also material items, and each is a gift given from the very soul of the giver. My wings were a gift from my mother, as my red eyes were from my father. the moon gave me an almost glowing whiteness of skin. My sensitive pointed ears came from the Empress fairy of Harpinia. I received a sword from the stones of gray and sliver and my black hair from my grandmother, the Widow of the Ravens. My very last gift, and by far the strangest was a sliver ring engraved with the words "Light of Vengeance Emerges." i still hve yet to understand the meaning of that ring which was given to me by my uncle, the Lord of Truth. I was named XzaYejou, after him. It has been a long time since I have said my name or even recalled the good parts of the past. I tend to dwell on the evils done to me by those who condemned me to this hellish place. This is the realm of pain.

I yearn to break free of these chains, and to feel warmth again. I have been cold for so long. I wish to take my revenge on the Razikens. These are the group of demons that tried to take over my village and sent me here when i fought them. I remember those times so well... My abilites were improving. I could fly faster and further then any other of the winged creatures. The sword from the sliver stones was my constant companion, nowhere would i go without it. I could now fight, even with my eyes closed. I was almost as strong as Huimaka, my teacher. We were together the day the Razikens came. That day Huimaka told me he was done teaching me. It was his belief that only i could make myself stronger in both body and mind. He couldn't help me any longer, and explained that i had a special strength yet uncovered. Even as Huimaka was telling me this, i could sense something else in his face. I believe he knew the Razikens were close and could forsee his own downfall. To the rest of the village, danger wasn't known until it was right on top of us, and our forces fell fast. The bodies of both friends and foes lay around us, blood soaking the dry soil. The demons fought hard, and gave no notice to their dead comrades. Huimaka and I were the last of our village standing. I could see the sweat pouring down his face in the blinding sun, and his blue eyes turn red with anger and frustration.

There were just too many and we couldn't hold on. I watched him falter as three black winged demons descended upon him. For awhile he held on as i fought my own battle. The he was struck in the heart by the largest of the demons. There was nothing i could do, i tried to reach him but couldn't. I saw him turn and look at me, blood spilling out from the gash in his chest. Just before he fell, he smiled. I was alone, fighting the Razikens. Eventurally my strength gave out, and a swarm of black and red swept over me. They held me down, pulled on my wings until they tore. I have never felt such pain. I could feel my whole body spinning and it felt as though i had been stabbed through my back and into my heart. If that wasn't horrid enough, my beautiful wings were thown into the demon's red hot fire. The next thing I remember is waking up to this place of pain. I don't know why i wasn't killed, but someday i hope to find out... its freezing here, and how i am surviving i don't know. I haven't eaten anything as long as i've been here, but i don't know how long thats been. Every part of me aches. Even the ring that the Lord of Truth gave me seems to hurt me.

Ah, the Lord of Truth, my uncle. I remember the one time i met him so long ago. A strange, but knowledgeable man. I could never understand him; he always seemed to talk in riddles. I remember he came to visit me when i was training one day. I still recall how the wint seemed to welcome him, and how young he looked despite his almost 200 years upon the mortal ground. He didn't even call out a greeting, he just came up to me and said "Boy, never lose the ring. In the darkness of pain, it will help you find peaceful vengeance and bring you to light through emotion." Then he was gone. I never found out what he meant by that. Now here i am, in the darkness and pain, like he said but what of peaceful vengeance? I cannot think of peace right now when i am held here by chain, confining me to the darkness of evil. I must get revenge! I must get out of here. OUCH! The ring feels like it is almost burning my finger off.

The words "Light of Vengeance Emerges" seem to be glowing, but that do those words mean? My thoughts are racing. Peaceful vengeance. Emotion. There has to be a connection. There has to be a way out of these chains the Razikens placed upon me. Demons. Evil. Light of Vengeance Emerges. What don't the demons understand and what am i missing? I know my uncles words must have meant something, after all, he is the Lord of Truth. What is the truth here? I am afraid the more i think on this matter, the warmer this place is growing, and the glow of the ring is getting brighter. Light of Vengeance emerges says the ring. Peaceful vengeance through emotion says the Lord of Truth. Light... of... Vengeance... Emerges.. LOVE!!!! THAT IS THE EMOTION! The ring says it as plain as day. love! I understand and love is something evil demons such as the Razikens cannot understand. So i must not hate. I must love and the peaceful vengeance is mine! Now i can feel the energy running through me, everything is warm and the chains are to break. Everything is fading. Suddenly there is a bright blinding light and now i'm back at my village. I'm free! Wait... the sun is bright, and Huimaka is in front of me telling me that no longer can her teach me and i have a power yet to be uncovered. I can sense something else in his face Where have I heard this before? Before the Razikens invaded! I now feel the power Huimaka thought was hidden. I can feel it in my veins and surging through my fingers, and i know that i have the power to beat the Razikens. I have been given another chance to beat them.

Up I fly into the blinding sunlight on the beautiful wings my mother gave me and towards the place I remember fighting the Razikens. Upon arriving, the demons are not in sight. Good. I have time to set up my plan... hehe... I know this will work... I now see the demons approaching. The sight almost makes me sick but I stay in place. As the Razikens arrive, members of the XoEvika and I walk out to greet them with smiles on our faces. Each of us has a gift, which comes with all the thoughtfulness of our hearts and souls. We present the gifts to the demons. All of my village takes hands and surround the bewildered demons and express friendship towards them. The sun seems to keep growing brighter as the demons seem to be shrinking, and ina flast of light, they are no longer there. Peaceful Vengeance is now mine, and I am content. The enegry within me still pulses with every heart beat but i have learned that real strength comes from the good in the soul, not the will to destroy.

As the village rejoices, the Lord of truth and Huimaka are beside me. "Well done, XzaYejou, we knew you would past the test. And we are sorry, but you had to do that alone. You see, only when a worriors heart is pure and holds love can true evil be defeated. You have now learned to think with your heart instead of your head." Speaks The Lord of Truth. I guess i should have known Huimaka and my uncle knew what was coming. All along they knew. Years from now when i recall this event, i will remember I have learned that nothing can be achived with hate inside. I now have found my true power in love... and in life... ..