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Strike a pose! That's what Emily & Jefner(haha) aka Jenni did at Club 2002!

Umm - the above is my winnings from FuncoLand as I was the only one on staff to predict (and knew) that the Bucs would win the Super Bowl...yay...a pin that's already on my name tag - so now I have two...thanks a lot guys!

Below is a pic of Lance, Will, Myself and Ryan. We weren't drunk or anything - but let's say we were for the lack of a fun story I'm making up right now - so here we see Lance, and he's been dancing a lot, because Lance works it for the ladies. And then Will's eyes are all ready from the crack he just induldged in. Then Lunchbox, whoops, me, is uh...naturally retarded so there's no need for booze or drugs - because I'm stupid 24/7...w00t mother f'ers. And then Ryan was later found at the Kareoke machine singing "There's A Tear In My Beer," and other wonderful Country Hits...okay so that all was an uber huge lie - but you can't tell me it wasn't funny. :D Seeking more of my stupidity - look below!

Okay - so we went to Disney World - Senior year/2002 and here is when I asked the lady to take a picture with me. Prior to this she had taken a picture of the entire gang, but beings we don't talk anymore - they went buh-bye. But enjoy the humor that is this picture.

Above is myself with world class figure skater Michelle Kwan, Heather, and moi. Heather works for Michelle so it's all gravy...or something like that.

Above is the same - only the 2003 edition.

Brad and Nic made this one day in the office after Heather left and started working for PMA. Now Heather has moved up in the world and has her own client...

...American Wrestler Rulon Gardner!!

Me with Sasha Cohen, a figure skater.

This my dog, Duke. I'm frequently mistaken for him by my parents in the yelling order. Duke comes first for some reason - "Bill, Brad, Duke, Ben!"

Who's the sexiest webmaster...bater of them all?

ME!! ... or not ... be gentle on the sarcasm and the jokes!