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One Sunday morning during our regular church service . . . “regular” meaning, we were praising, worshipping, joyfully dancing, and in general, moving in the Spirit of God.  Suddenly, I felt strong inclination to giggle.  Now, I had been drunk in the Spirit and laughed uncontrollably, but this was different.  I just felt like being silly.  This caused me to be a little less focused on what the Pastor was saying, causing me to anticipate his request for the congregation to stand. (I had been in this church for many years and I knew that the Pastor requested the people to stand several times during the services for various reasons), and I stood up a full 3 or 4 seconds before anyone else did!  As soon as I was on my feet, I was hit hard right between the eyes with the force of a sledge hammer that knocked me back in my seat, yet there was no pain.  I had been hit with these words . . . “Go ye unto all the world and make disciples in my name.”  Well, being a conscientious person, I immediately turned around to the lady sitting behind me and informed her that by standing up prematurely, I had intercepted a Word from God meant for her, and I told her what it was.  She just smiled and told me she had been a missionary for several years and was home for a rest, and added that the Word must have hit it’s target.

 Well, I knew God must have made a mistake, or had a really wild sense of humor, because no one would ever listen to anything I had to say.  I was just an ordinary person with a lot of things in my past that wouldn’t exactly make me “Mrs. Credibility.”  So, I assumed that indeed, God had a sense of humor.  I giggled and continued to feel sillier for the rest of the service.

 BUT, when God tells you something, it doesn’t just go away, and you can’t dismiss it simply because you don’t understand how it can happen.  So, as the days and weeks passed by, I began to do two things . . . first, I began to answer alter calls for those “with a heart for missions”, and my faith started growing!  Secondly, I questioned God and remained obedient to the things I knew He wanted me to do.  Then the answer came . . . I had asked God who would listen to me, and who could I help and what could I accomplish.

 The answer was this . . . “I have comforted you, not to just make you comfortable, but so you can comfort others.”  I began to search the scriptures for a confirmation and found II Corinthians 1:3-4.  I was elated, yet I still had questions . . . who are these people you want me to comfort?  Who will listen to me?

 The following answer came to me in the middle of the night: 

Those who have been molested as children. 

Those who were emotionally neglected or deprived as children. 

Those who have been violently abused by a spouse. 

Those who have been raped. 

Those who feel totally rejected by family and society, and feel unloved. 

Those who have had children torn from them by a premature death. 

Those who believe that blowing their head off is less painful than living another day. 

Those who have made such bad choices, they feel totally condemned by God and man.

Those who are so full of hate and bitterness they cannot function in a healthy manner.


  Well, as I wrote it down, I cried . . . you see, he had just told me my life story.  From that moment to this, I have gained strength from knowing why I had to bear such things . . . because God gave me the strength to get through them so I could minister to others.  PRAISE GOD! 


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