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LUANA McPHERSON GIVING THANKS @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Luana McPherson shares a God-story


luana.jpgI don’t want to confuse anyone…just share with you another miracle the Lord has given me. This took place in 1990. For you who’ve read about the shooting--that was in 1973. Today, April 20th, is the twentieth anniversary of when I was struck by a van, walking across the street (in the pedestrian walkway).


I’ll attempt to make the account as brief as possible. J The van was doing about 60 mph. When the van hit me, I flew into the air. Coming down, I was struck again--sending me across the intersection. As I attempted to ‘get my bearings’, I tried to look around to see where I was at. In attempting to do so, I realized I could not use either arm, nor could I feel anything below my waist. Yet, I was determined to know where I thought I was at. And, with the Lord’s help, I did.


Later, I realized only my chin and a place on my abdomen had been scrapped. There were no cuts or tears in my skin. I relate that to what Psalm 91:12 says: “They will hold you up with their hands to keep you from striking your foot against a stone.”


When the paramedics arrived, one was asking me the ‘shock’ questions, while the other was attempting to get a blood pressure reading. There was none. As he began to panic, I looked at him and said, “I’m looking at you; I’m talking to you; I’m making sense. That should be some indication there is life here.” That settled that. Then it seemed as if it took ‘forever’ for them to determine whether to put a board under me, or try to lift me onto a gurney. They chose the board.


Later, my daughter, Kimberly, was told they’d given me less than a 40 % chance of even making it alive -- to the hospital. In the E.R., after tests were run, what I thought had to be every test possible, I was admitted. Then, the ‘shock’ began to come over me.


That was just the beginning. It was determined my left shoulder was broken in 8 places; my right wrist was crushed; my left hip and the left part of my pelvic girdle were broken; one of my legs was broken; and, they thought my spleen was going to have to be removed. At that time, I was really unaware of all that was taking place. I was not in good condition at all. Yet, a peace was there…


It was determined later, my spleen did not need to be removed, nor was my leg broken. Praise the Lord! Isn’t He an awesome God?


No surgery was done on my wrist. The doctor said it would be of no use anyway, so he put a cast on it for my wrist to heal.

Surgery was done on my shoulder, but I was told I would never be able to raise my left arm away from my side. I was also told I would not walk for many months.


While I was in the hospital, a certain nun would come and sit at my bedside every night. She said not a word. Finally, one night I asked her why she came and sat by my bed every night. She smiled at me and replied, “Because of your faith”. I thought, “Faith?? Do I really have that much faith?” I guess I did, even though I did not realize it at the time. I did know I had, and still do, determination to walk through this trauma. I thank God for giving me that faith; determination; and for walking through this ordeal with me.


After more treatment in the hospital, I was finally discharged. And it had only been 2 weeks! Not to go home, but to a rest home. There I was to get physical therapy. Actually, the Lord was my physical therapist!


Having been there a few weeks, I began to ask the nurse to pull the curtains around my bed. When I knew no one was around, I got up and started walking around my bed. (A special crutch was made for me, and that gave me the stability I needed.) Each time I made that ‘round’, I got stronger and more confident. So, at night during shift change, I began venturing out of my room down the hallway to the rest room. Who likes bed pans, anyway?


One night, when I was out for my ‘evening stroll’, I walked past the charge nurse’s desk. She was never there at that time, anyway, so I saw no problem in doing so. As I was walking past that desk, I heard, “Luana! What are you doing?” I told her I was walking. I was reprimanded. That did not stop me, I kept going through this practice until I was discharged to go home.

I had talked with the Lord while I was still in the hospital. I told Him I really needed the use of my arms and hands to continue to praise Him and glorify His name. The night before I was to be discharged, with my crutch under my arm, I went downstairs on the elevator. A piano was there. I sat down, loosened the sling on my shoulder, and played “Amazing Grace”. I’m certain no one but me knew what I was playing. That did not matter. I was so full of joy! My arm and wrist were going to work so I could continue to praise Him as I so wanted to! Absolutely, positively … this was a miracle!


Only the true Healer could’ve gotten me through this…with such a wonderful victory! I am so blessed. He did it--AGAIN! It seems as if it was soon that I was walking, too!


Well, I do not think He’s finished with me yet. I would prefer not to have any more accidents, though. Even so, to God be the glory! I give Him all the praise! He is worthy, He alone is worthy! This is just another example of His desire to perform miracles, even today!


There were several smaller miracles throughout this whole process. I believe they were a true assurance the Lord was right there with me, through it all.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for sharing the wonder of how the hand of our Almighty God works!

YES, He did it, again!


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