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Jim and Shannon McLain: Hello to you.  Here goes a short story of our blessed-lives. God is good!


I was born in Lakeview, Oregon and raised all around South East Oregon; I spent the summers with my dad and school year with my mom and her new hubby and his kids.  I grew up in a mixed, dysfunctional family that had no God influence from any source.  The influence I did receive came from Rock-n-Roll, Country Western, Drugs, and Alcohol. 

 At the age of 18 and graduated, I moved to Longview, Washington to live with my sister for a summer. I met Shannon, she took me to church, I found God – We got married a year later. 

 I work at a hardware store as a Paint Department Manager and love to play baseball on the church league.



I was born in Walla Walla, Washington to Christian parents, moved to Longview, Washington the spring of 1972 and have been here ever since. 

 I accepted Jesus as my savior at the age of 3 – I wanted to be whole as my Sunday school teacher said.  At the age of 13 I rededicated my life and was baptized.  My early years of church were with the First Church of God at the age of 15 I began to attend a non-denominational Pentecostal church and found the Holy Spirit waiting to fill me up. 

 I met Jim when I was 17 and new that he was The One for me – we got married the winter after I graduated from High school. 

 I work at an Assisted Living Facility as a Resident Coordinator (Activities and Social Work) as well as attend Washington State University ¾ time pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Anthropology with a Certificate in Aging (I should be done Summer of 2004).


Life together:

We were married at 18 and 19, and have been married now for 12 years.  We met while Shannon worked at a Nickel Arcade and I would come in and spend hours playing pool.  I began to bring in bags of pennies that would take Shannon a while to count out – because I don’t talk much, I needed the time to figure out what to say and then say it.  She drove me home a few times after closing so I would not have to walk.  Our first date was to see the movie “The Bear”, a year later, we were married and life has been good.  A few ups, a few downs – but God has been faithful.

We attend a small nondenominational church in Kelso, Washington and enjoy being an active part of the worship team and church family.

Our boys, Jacob 11, and Nels 13, are very active, healthy young men.  Nels wants to be a pilot, engineer, massage therapist, or in the Navy. Jacob wants to do something with people (he changes his mind quite often on this subject).



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