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Devine Timing

Devine Timing



My wife Debbie and I had moved to the South Puget Sound area to follow our careers that eventually led to opening our own private foster care agency.  We ran that for about 6 years, but our heart was turning toward “home”.  Over the course of several months, God was telling us to move home- (It probably would have taken a lot less time, had I actually been listening… he allowed us to go “into the desert” so we could hear what he was saying to us.)  Our instructions were to- Go home!  Reconnect with our church family- which worked out since Scott was celebrating the 1st year anniversary of his newly planted Foursquare church.  We visited that September, and moved home the end of October.  I knew we were to reconnect with our spiritual center, get healthy, and spend some time taking care of ourselves. 


Coming “home” again was incredible.  Coming to such a loving and caring church family as New Hope is, was inspiring.  Reconnecting with old friends and making new ones was just what the “doctor” ordered.  Debbie and I both smoked cigarettes, and while we had tried to quit in the past and both did for about two years, it was something that we were not proud of and something we could just not shake completely.  In January of 2006, the Lord had been instilling in my heart that it was time to quit.  I knew He could and would deliver us.  I however, was not ready to quit without Debbie.  So, in a prayer, I asked God to put it on Deb’s heart that it was time to quit.  It took a few weeks, but after church service one night, Debbie shared that during worship service, The Lord had laid it on her heart that it was time for us to quit smoking.   I was so excited! 


Immediately, the enemy started putting doubt and excuses into our thoughts.  But I pushed through and on Valentine’s Day, 2006, our gift to each other, from God was the deliverance of the nicotine addiction.  We had just bought a month worth of cigarettes - 12 cartons!!!  And we had originally thought…. Wow! Who should we “bless” with these?  BUT! God quickened my spirit and I immediately said “NO!”  “Deb, if we give these to someone, we will be perpetuating the enemy’s addiction onto someone else.  So, we went and got a garbage can, opened every pack of cigarettes and we spoke authority over every spirit of addiction and “broke” each and every cigarette in each and every pack of all those cartons, and broke those chains links of bondage with each one we broke.  The strength and power in the Holy Spirit we felt that night was amazing. His timing is indeed devine!

Marc & Debbie -

Marc's Magazine Column