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undefined Giving thanks in all things - for this is the will of the Father in Christ Jesus -


JJ Daniel in Washington

Reports the

Miracle Working Power of Her Father



March 2009


jj8.jpgAbout a month ago – I was in a small auto-accident; I decided that the instant headache was from the stress of the situation, and that I’d be “fine” the next day; took some Aleve, went home and went to bed.


The following day, I had a difficult time getting out of bed and was in such pain that I couldn’t stand up-right. I got in to see a Chiropractor, and continued to see him two or three times a week, when I was able to get dressed and get to his office.


The debilitation-pain seemed to increase. I dealt with the pain and inconvenience of not being able to bend-over, clean house, stand or even sit comfortably for about eight-days, thinking “it will be fine tomorrow” – then gave up and went to Urgent Care. The X-rays they took showed that my pelvic bone was at a 45% tilt, and that two vertebras were locking up. One went south, and the one above it went north – and they were locking up where the bones met.


We’ll come back to this event in a moment…


I didn’t see the X-rays until a week later, when my Chiropractor showed them to me; Because he had adjusted my back, many years ago – before God healed me in 1980 – he instantly recognized that the X-rays clearly show that God had “fused my spine” without surgery.


In 1974 I had a work-related injury that actually severed the third vertebra from the bottom of my spine; leaving me unable to stand straight-up. (If it had been one vertebra higher, it would have left me paraplegic). When I was able to walk, I walked bent at the middle, looking at the floor. I had two Drs. Tell me that I would “live the rest of my life in bed” – a third Dr. said… “If you are a lucky lady, you may be able to sit in a wheel-chair for a short time each day.”  Well… those Doctors obviously didn’t know the loving and Miracle-working God that I know!!  J


I never, THANK YOU JESUS was “bed-ridden” or spent a moment in a “wheelchair.”  PTL!!


For several months I saw a Chiropractor six days a week; the only objective was to get that vertebra off the nerve, to relieve some of the pain. I clearly remember the day that the X-ray Tech. finished with a follow-up set of X-rays; he went to the door and looked up and down the hall ways – then turned back to me and said… “Where did you leave your chair?”  “Chair?” I responded, honestly not realizing what or why he was asking. “Yes,” he said…. “If you tell me where they left your chair, I’ll bring that to you.”   “I have no chair.” Oh, he nodded sympathetically… “How did you get in here?”  I was SO HAPPY to tell him – that “I walked in!”  THANK YOU JESUS!!  He gave one last glance at the X-rays, then back to me… with one long and interesting gaze that I will never forget – he simply left the room. J


The X-rays, at that time showed that my back was trying it’s best to pull the dropped vertebra back into place – and in doing so, my entire spine twisted like a cork-screw.  Instead of the vertebras being lined up on top of each other – like this: =  They were beside each other like this: ll


MY GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! And I think that He loves to do the “impossible”!


(God delivered Daniel “in” the Lion’s Den; He delivered the three Hebrew boys – “in” the hot burning furnace! – Sometimes He delivers us “out of” – but sometimes He walks through the fire with us.)


In 1980 someone came to our church who knew God as the Miracle-worker, and prayed for me – not even knowing that I needed a miracle. It was definitely God’s time for a miracle; the next 36-hours I felt His hands (or maybe the hands of an angel) adjusting my spine. If you have ever had a Chiropractic treatment, you know that when they are finally able to move a vertebra off the nerve, there is a burning that happens, as the blood begins to flow again. I felt that same burning for a couple days ~ and never again had trouble standing up-right, walking or getting through the days without pain. GOD TOTALLY and COMPLETELY HEALED MY BACK! 


THANK YOU JESUS, for including healing in the covenant that You purchased for Your children!!


Since that MIRACLE-HEALING in 1980, I have not seen X-rays of my back. So when this little accident occurred in Feb. of 2009 – and I finally got X-rays, it clearly shows that the C-3 vertebra has been fused to C-4 – in place, perfectly aligned like this: = And perfectly whole. THANK YOU FATHER, YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!!



Now back to the current event…


After the Feb 5th auto-accident, I was once again in tremendous pain; unable to get up from a sitting position without assistance; couldn’t sit in a desk-chair at all! I couldn’t bend; couldn’t drive, do housework or even bend to get dressed. The only time I was without pain was in bed.


On March 11th, the day that Dr. Van Fleet (Chiropractor) and I viewed the X-rays of my back – I also went to our weekly Bible study (had been unable to attend all church functions).


We are a praying group of people – and they could hardly wait to get their hands on me. While they were praying for me, I felt a weird thing going on in my back, and it’s difficult to put it into words: It felt as though my spine, from the bottom to the top – was kind of floating around, in a “wave” kind of manner (kind of like a rollercoaster ride!!). It also felt like it was getting “stretched” (I’ll have to measure, I feel like I may have grown a couple inches!!)  J 


The short version of this MIRACLE-HEALING: I left home-group, spent an hour in the grocery store; loaded & unloaded groceries, making several trips up and down steps; put groceries away; swept floors, loaded the dish-washer, did laundry – all things I had not been able to do for over a month.  THANK YOU JESUS!!  Went to bed, slept perfectly… all without pain.


God is a GOOD FATHER and He STILL loves to do “the impossible.”  J


JJ Daniel –