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BIBLE STUDY with AUTHOR REBECCA BRITT @ - home of Strombolis eZine










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Author Rebecca Britt

Of Oregon







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Meet Author Rebecca Britt, from Oregon:

Rebecca is Teacher, Author and Gardener; Mother, Sister and Friend. I have waited for “the appointed season” and for Becky’s schedule to allow her to write for us; it is a joy to introduce her to you today.

– JJ Daniel, site manager

Becky’s Bio:

Born again in summer of 1980, first in my family. Mother of five, all saved in Christ, grandmother of nine, all nurtured in the faith. I am a member of a small community church where I conduct the choir. I clerk at a Christian book store and am striving to finish my first novel. However, my greatest goal is learning a walk of discipline, reverence, and humility in Christ.

God rescued me from a life of violence and abuse but used my blatant stupidity and rebellion to teach me humility and thankfulness. I will be forever grateful for the music and academic pursuits He used to preserve my sanity in an unbalanced environment.

My dream is to fall in love with my Savior and share His love for me through His gifts. My goal is to make writing my career and the means with which to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and shelter the homeless. My prayer is that God will use my feather.jpgpersonal adventures to encourage and teach others a small portion of His manifold wisdom.


To explain my column title: I was digging up ground and rocks for last spring's garden and came upon a small, sea green bottle. Looks to be 75 years old or more; upon some cursory research, I discovered it's an inkwell. A few days later, my daughter, Patty, went river walking. An eagle flew overhead and dropped a beautiful feather right in front of her. She gave it to me and it now resides in my little inkwell. The attached photo is my logo which morphed into my by-line - 'feather and ink'.