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Healing, Ann-White,

Eight Ways To Get Healed

Rev Ann White, SW Washington


Thank you for joining me for the second part of my teaching. 


I want to begin by saying that if you will follow these lessons throughout their entirety, you will have a solid basis from which you and others may receive healing.  You will also learn how to not just go from healing to healing, but you will learn how to daily live in divine health. 


By studying the scriptures with me, you will have answers as to why or why not people are  -- or are not healed.  I suggest that if you can separate yourself from the thoughts about loved ones, or friends, that have not been healed, and have gone to heaven, and look at the scriptures to learn about healing, you will be able to find the answers and comfort you need.



8 Biblical Ways to Receive Healing


8 different Biblical ways or methods of receiving healing is by grace, and that is listed as God’s supernatural healing through GIFTS OF HEALINGS (I Corinthians 12:8-11) and through special anointing for healing miracles (Acts 18:11-12).  All the other methods of healing, according to the Scriptures, are through the believer’s faith and directly related to his/her faith in what God has said in His Word and accomplished in Jesus Christ.


The 8 different ways or methods, which can be used to receive healing, according to the Scriptures, are briefly as follows:


Ø      Healing given totally by God’s sovereign grace (requiring no faith at all from the recipient).


Ø      Through Gifts of Healings (I Corinthians 12:8-11) and special anointing for healing miracles (Acts 19:11-12).


Ø      Healing requiring an exercise or response of faith by the recipient.  This includes the other seven Biblical methods of receiving healing which are as follows:


Ø      Through the laying on of hands (Mark 16:18 and Hebrews 6:1-2).  You and I as believers should be doing this on an ongoing basis.  Jesus said we would and I don’t think it was just a “suggestion.”


Ø      Through anointing with oil and the prayer of faith (James 5:14-16 and Mark 6:13).


Ø      Through believing and speaking God’s Word (Mark 11:23 and Proverbs 4:20-24).  I think that Proverbs 4:20-24 is a vital key in this teaching.


Ø      Through two or more agreeing on earth as touching anything they ask (Matthew 18:19-20) that is according to God’s will.


Ø      Through believing that you receive it when you pray (Mark 11:24).


Ø      Through receiving the Lord’s Supper with faith (I Corinthians 11:26-32) and having an understanding of the Communion table.


Ø      Through using the name of Jesus (John 14:13-14 and Acts 3:1-8.


As we investigate these 8 ways or methods to receive healing from God, you can certainly find several ways whereby you can receive healing for yourself.  In addition to this, after you understand God’s variety of “delivery systems” or methods to bring healing, you will be able to help others reach out and receive healing.


In addition to the above, I want to take you through the scriptures from the beginning of creation, through the Old Testament and the New to provide an even more solid basis for you to stand for healing for yourself or others.


We will be examining the Hebrew words in the Old Testament and the Greek words in the New Testament.  We will be looking at the definitions of words according to the Hebrew and Greek, and the meanings associated with them, instead of the Webster Dictionary translations.  So, during the New Year, please know your healing and health has been paid for on Calvary, and belongs to you.  Please look up these scriptures, meditate on them, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal these Kingdom of God principles to you.  We will continue to study together next month, beginning with Genesis 1:31, where God saw everything He had made and it was very good.  That sounds pretty promising to me.  God bless you all.


God bless you, 

Ann White

Two awesome books for continued your study:     

    > HEALING THE SICK by TL Osborne

    > CHRIST THE HEALER by FF Bosworth.