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Bible-Study, Rev. Ann-White,


(No Ho-Hum Stuff Here)


1.     Jesus knew who He was

2.     Jesus knew what He believed

3.     Jesus knew what to say



The above 3 reasons are why Jesus as the Son of God and the Son of Man was successful.  If you and I will do the same thing, then we can have the same success.


Look at Ephesians 2 with me.  I have taken all of the information out of the Amplified Bible for you.  I have put together who we are in Christ.  Jesus knew who He was, and so can you as a son or daughter of God.  In fact, we must have revelation knowledge of this in order to do the things Jesus did.  Mark 16:15 through the rest of the chapter tells us we are to be like Jesus in every way, as well as doing the things that He did.  I have also written it so you can read it as being written to you as an individual.  Remember, we live on the resurrection side of the cross now; we are made alive in Christ Jesus, not being any longer conditionally “just a sinner saved by grace.”  We were that, BUT NOW, BUT GOD ------- !!!!


Ephesians chapter two: (Reading the following as it is written to you personally from God Himself)  You (God) also made me alive, so rich are You (God) in Your mercy!  Because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which You loved ME, You made ME alive (together in fellowship and in union with Christ;  You gave ME the VERY LIFE of Christ Himself, the SAME NEW LIFE with which You  quickened Him, for it is by grace (the operation of Your -- God’s power on MY behalf), Your favor and mercy which I did not deserve that I am (present tense) saved, DELIVERED FROM JUDGMENT and MADE PARTAKERS (now in this present life) of Christ’s salvation.


AND You (God) raised ME up TOGETHER with You (God) and made ME sit down TOGETHER, giving ME JOINT SEATING with You (God) in the heavenly sphere by virtue of MY being in Christ Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed One. You (God) did this so that You might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the IMMEASURABLE (LIMITLESS, SURPASSING) RICHES of Your (God’s) FREE grace (the operation of Your power and unmerited favor) in Your (God’s) kindness and goodness of heart toward ME in Christ Jesus.


For it is by FREE grace (the operation of God’s power and unmerited favor) that I AM SAVED --- delivered from judgment and made a partaker of Christ’s salvation, through my faith.  AND this salvation is not of myself, of my own doing, it came not through my own striving, but it is the gift of You God.


For I am Your (GOD’S OWN HANDIWORK—YOUR – GOD’S WORKMANSHIP) recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew SO THAT I may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for ME taking paths which You (God) prepared ahead of time, that I should walk in them, living the GOOD LIFE which You (God) prearranged and made ready for me to live.


THEREFORE, I am no longer an outsider, excluded from the rights of citizens, BUT I now share citizenship with the saints – Your (God’s) own people, consecrated and set apart for Yourself (God).  AND, I belong to Your (God’s) own household.


When I read and meditate what is written from Ephesians, I have victory in every area of my life.  Jesus said in I John, “as I am, so are YOU in this world today.  Jesus is well, He is prosperous, doing the will of our Father still, just as you and I as born-again believers should be doing.  He’s given us His Holy Spirit, to live within US to enlighten us, and show us daily what He wants us to do.  This gives us the ability to “see what the Father did (the same way that Jesus did), hear what the Father wants us to hear, and DO the things the Father instructs us to do.”   If He says in 3 John 2, “beloved, I wish above all else that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers,” I think that sounds like He wants the very best for us.  The provision of the “gifts”  our salvation provides, e.g. healing, divine health, prosperity, deliverance, certainly beats spending hours wondering “if our health insurance provided by companies is going to be in effect; will there be enough flu vaccine to go around; how can I ever get out of debt?  And so on and so on.  If you will take the time to learn “how God wants it done,” you will have the answer to every dilemma in your life.  I did and I do every day.  Learn to make your schedule around the Word of God.


Father God says in His Word, “study to show yourself approved…, He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him… meditate in the Word of God day and night for THEN shall YOU make your way prosperous.  As I have said so many times in my articles, it is time for you and I as

believers to “take up the cross and follow JESUS.”  It can’t be done in a “ho-hum” manner – God says, “seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness – His way of doing and being right; He says, seek Him EARLY.  He didn’t just write those instructions to be writing to keep the Holy Spirit busy – He wrote them for you and I to do to become all

He has planned for us to be.  We are sick, busted, and losing out because we are not obedient to do what He has told us to do. 


So, what will YOU do? 


As for me and my house, we will serve the God of the Bible, having His wisdom, guidance and direction for every day of our lives.


Start the New Year out right, acknowledging Him in every area of your life and look for Him to direct you.  It’s a win-win situation every time.


Rev. Ann White