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“SUSTAINING GRACE” - Rev. Ann White -


Rev. Ann White, SW Washington









I am sure you and I have heard many different definitions of the word “grace.”   Here are a few:


·       God’s unmerited favor

·       God’s willingness to use His power on our behalf – my oh my, what do you think we could do to be in a position to qualify for this one, other than being born again

·       God’s sustaining grace

·       God’s greater grace


It is the last two definitions that I would like to share with you about this month – namely “sustaining grace” and “greater grace.”


Sustaining grace, as I would like to discuss here, has to do with God’s provision of grace and mercy in our lives at all times, including whatever problem or situation you are working through.  God tells us in Philippians 4:13 that “WE (that’s you and I) CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US.”  That tells me that in the Bible, where we meet Christ, He has provided an answer for every need we will have in this life.  Then, when we have “all of our needs met,” we will operate in the “greater grace” where we can provide for needs being met in the world around us.


Go with me for a moment back to the Garden of Eden.  What was mankind’s life like then?  This is not a fairytale, because the price that Jesus paid for us was to bring us back to that status now.  This is how we were:  completely righteous; set apart for God; we had abundant provision, lacking nothing; never without God; we had purpose; we were healthy; God was a shepherd to us; we had complete safety; and we had total peace.


In Romans 8:30, it says, “Moreover, whom He predestined, these He also called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”  The definition for “justified” is “just as if I had never sinned!”  So, knowing this, if the price that Jesus the Christ paid for us completely delivered us and set us free from every aspect of the curse and our sins, then His Word will show us what our responsibilities are to make that come true in our lives on a daily basis.  This is where “sustaining grace” and “greater grace” come into reality in our lives.


So, where will you start?  In Proverbs 4:1 (NKJ) it says, “Hear my children, the instruction of a father, and give attention to know understanding; For I give you good doctrine: Do not forsake my law.”

Vs. 5 strongly says, “Get wisdom! Get understanding!  Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth!”


Notice the progression of these verses – Vs. 6 then says, “Do not forsake her and she will preserve you; Love her and she will keep you.”


In this day and age, I am sure we all want to be preserved, as well as kept. 


In our world today, the Body of Christ, as well as the world’s people are all experiencing the same things e.g. sickness, weakness, disease, pain, debt, lack and poverty.  My oh my, where have we lost our vision of being able to reach a lost and dying world for the Lord Jesus Christ?


The Lord Jesus Christ redeemed us from all of this and we have all the answers in His Word. 


I will direct you again to “Be In Health, A More Excellent Way” by Pastor Henry Wright.  He is coming to Portland, Oregon in September.  The dates for his conference are September 24 through the 28th.  It is a “fabulous five days” of intense information as well as training.  Also, his book is available at your local Christian bookstore for $24.95.


At one paint in my life, I was deeply in debt,  a single woman working for minimum wages, car(s) repossessed, owed the IRS $29,000 which I settled for $500.  I found out about God’s favor, how to work with Him, and I can tell you, He made a way where there was no way. 


Today, I live in divine health, coming into divine wealth – I presently am totally out of debt, with my home being paid for, car paid for and no monthly bills due.  It is definitely possible for all of you, if you will go to His Word and find out how.  It will take effort and time on your part, but I guarantee it is worth it.  He has an answer for allergies, osteoporosis, and all of the other diseases that the world tells us we will have as we live out our lives.  Remember, God’s Word has THE ANSWER AS WELL AS THE WAY TO DO IT!!! His sustaining grace will keep you going while you learn and work with Him through it, and then you will come into His greater grace and help a lost and dying world around us.


Have a great month and make everyday a great one. 


A motto for your wall is, “Everyday, I am the dynamic, surging force that you God created me to be.”


Ann White