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Bible-Study, Rev. Ann-White,





Loved by God – John 3:16

Forgiven – Colossians 1:14

Confessing the Lordship of Jesus over our lives – Ph. 2:11

Saved by grace through faith – Ephesians 2:8

Loving God with all our hearts, souls & minds – Mt. 22:37

Born again children of God – Romans 8:16

Delivered from the powers of darkness – Col. 1:13

Redeemed from the hand of the enemy – Ps. 107:2

Called with a holy calling – 2 Ti. 1:9

Created in His image – Romans 8:29

Not of this world – John 17:16

Of God’s household of faith – Gal. 6:10

In love with God – 1 John 4:19

Seeking first His Kingdom & righteousness – Mt. 6:33

Abiding in His love – I John 4:16

Healed by His stripes – 1 Pt. 2:24

Free from fear – 8 John 4:18

Crowned w/His loving kindness and tender mercies – Ps. 103

Redeemed from the curse of the law – Gal. 3:13

Free from the Law of Sin and Death – Ro. 8:32

Heirs of eternal life – I John 5:11-12

Heirs to the Blessings of Abraham – Gal. 3:14

Heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus – Ro. 8:17

Blessed with all spiritual blessings – Eph. 1:3

His workmanship created in Christ Jesus – Eph. 2:10

Strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus – 2 Ti. 2:1

In right standing with God – 2 Cor. 5:21

Established in righteousness – Isa. 54:14

Living in His Kingdom – Col. 1:13

Humbling ourselves, casting all care upon Jesus – I Pt. 5:6,7

Getting our needs met by Jesus – Phil. 4:19

Able to be partakers of the inheritance, giving thanks to the Father – Col. 1:12

Studying to show ourselves approved of God – 2 Ti. 2:15

Awakening to righteousness and sinning not – I Cor. 15:d34

Commended to God and the Word of His grace which is able to build us up – Acts 20:32

Believing God’s Word – Mk. 13:31

Blessed because we hear the Word of God and keep it – Lk. 11:28

Abiding in Jesus and His Words abide in us – Jn. 15:7

Always meditating on God’s Word – Josh. 1:8

Living by every Word that proceeds from God – Mt. 4:4

Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith – Col. 2:6-7

Building our house upon the Rock – Mt. 7:24-25

Being transformed by the renewing of our minds – Ro. 12:2

Increasing in the knowledge of God – Col. 1:10

Letting His truth set us free – Jn. 8:32, 36

Covenanted to God – Hebrews 8:6,10

Filled with all joy and peace in believing – Ro. 15:13

Doers of the Word – Ja. 1:22

Sons and daughters of God – Gal. 3:26

The Body of Christ – Eph. 1:22-23

Laborers together with God – I Cor. 3:9

Servants of the Most High – Acts 16:17

Having the mind of Christ – Ph. 2:5

Walking in newness of life – Ro. 6:4

Led by His Spirit – Ro. 8:14

Trusting in the Lord, acknowledging Him in all our ways – Prv. 3:5-6

Putting on the Lord Jesus Christ – Gal. 3:27

Partakers of His divine nature – 2 Pt. 1:4

Walking with love and living by faith – 1 Cor. 13 and Ro. 1:17

Predestined to be conformed to His image – Ro. 8:29

Pressing on to His high calling – Phil. 3:14

Allowing the greater one to dwell in us – I Jn. 4:4

Letting our requests by known to God – Ph. 4:6

Asking the Father in the Name of Jesus – Jn. 15:16

Receiving the request we’ve asked for – Mk. 11:24

Receiving all the promises of God – 2 Cor. 1:20

Fully convinced that what God has promised He is able to perform – Romans 4:21

Believers – Mk. 9:23

Abiding in His rest – Hebrews 4:3

Walking and acting like the Word is true – Ja. 2:17-18

Holding fast our confidence which has great reward – Heb. 10:35

The elect of God – Col. 3:12

Filled with the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:4, 39

Complete in Him – Col. 2:10

Going in His Name – Mk. 16:15-18

Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might – Eph. 6:10

Filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding – Col. 1:9

Not moved by what we see – Romans 4:19

Strong in faith, giving glory to God, not wavering with doubt or unbelief – Romans 4:20

Imitators of Jesus – Eph. 5:1

Walking as He walked – I John 2:6

Praying without ceasing – I Th. 5:17

Walking by faith not by sight – 2 Cor. 5:7

Casting down vain imaginations, bringing every thought into captivity to God’s Word – 2 Cor. 10:4-5

Holding fast to our confession of faith – Heb. 10:23

Calling things that be not as though they were – Ro. 4:17

Fighting the good fight of faith – I Ti. 6:17

Reigning in life – Ro. 5:17

Exercising our faith and patience – Heb. 6:12

Considering Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession – Heb. 3:1

Observing and doing the Lords Commandments – Jn. 14:21

Putting on love – Col. 3:14

Loving our neighbors as ourselves – Mt. 22:39

Walking in the Wisdom of God – James 1:5

Kings and priests – Rv. 1:6

Givers – Lk. 6:38

Intercessors – 1 Ti. 2:1

Wearing God’s armour – Eph. 6:10-18

Doing all things through Christ Who strengthens us – Ph. 4:13

Daily overcoming the devil – I Jn. 4:4

More than conquerors --  Ro. 8:37

Overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies – Rv. 12:11

Exercising our authority over the enemy – Lk. 10:19

Destroying the works of the devil – I Jn. 3:8

Convinced that nothing can separate us from the love of God –

Romans 8:35-39

In everything giving thanks – I Th. 5:18

Establishing God’s Word here on the earth – Mt. 16:19

Receiving abundantly above all we ask or think – Eph. 3:20

Walking worthy of the Lord – Col. 1:10

Telling everyone about Jesus – Ro. 16:25

Thinking on these things – Ph. 4:8

Giving God all the glory – Ro. 16:27

Blessing the Lord at all times, continually praising the Lord with our mouths – Ps. 34:1

Definitely looking for His soon return – I Th. 4:15-18


AMEN!!! And thank you Ann White!!