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Bible-Study, Ann-White,


Rev. Ann White, SW Washington


Would you believe it if I told you there is, according to the Word of God, a place in our walk where we can live continually in His presence and literally be surrounded by His blessings and protection.  When you and I as believers are living in that place of supernatural blessing, people can’t help but notice.


Psalm 92 says:  (Amplified Bible) “The (uncompromisingly) righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. . . (They are living memorials) to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises. . . (verses 12, 15).


Deuteronomy 28:9-10 says, “The Lord will establish you as a people holy to Himself…IF you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways.  And all people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name (and in the presence of) the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you.” (The Amplified Bible).


As born-again children of God, we should be living in safety, divine health, and prosperity.  Either God and His Word are true 100%, or they are not.  I choose to believe they are. 


I have lived in divine health for a few years now.  As of this last year, I am completely out of debt, and I expect to be safe everywhere I go.  I am not being cocky here or high-minded, or “who does she think she is?”  I am here to tell you that there is safety for you in spite of all the terrorist and fearful things that go on today.  It is possible to live in divine health and be completely out of debt.  So, how can this be done?


Learn how to live from the inside out.  As the scripture I just quoted for you shows, there are conditions to living this type of life.  Living in a continual place of blessing and living a healthy, prosperous life means living a life of obedience.  Yes, even driving the speed limit is included.  It means walking in God’s ways, or “walking in truth.”


We have grown up being taught traditions, reasoning and the world’s way of thinking.  We have to go to the Bible to find TRUTH.  (John 17:17). 


Spending time with God and spending time in His Word will teach us how to be obedient and walk in truth.


Jesus told the disciples to continue in the Word, “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  (John 8:32).  Free from what?  Fear, sickness, debt, lack and poverty.  God has given us clear instructions in black and white that will bring freedom and blessing to our lives.


James 1:22 says, “But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  This would say to me there will be more required than just going to church on Sunday and hearing the Word.  James says after we hear the Word, we have to be doing it.  Part of that Word says, “study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing the truth, a workman that needs not be ashamed.”


We won’t get very far with God without doing things the way He said.  We can’t make up our own ideas about what God would want us to do, because He’s written out his instructions in His Word.  For some reason, we think we can come up with our own ideas.  Then when it doesn’t work for us, we come up with something like, “why did God allow that?” 


Learning to live from the inside out is a life-saving key here.  In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says, “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  Our old sin nature is gone forever.  The Holy Spirit dwells within us and we are made righteous.  However, we still live in a natural body and initially it is just as untrained as it was before we were born again. 


Our flesh has to be trained and disciplined by the Word of God.  We have to learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit living in us.  We have to learn to tell our body, “No, you can’t do that.”  That’s why we have to be in the Word of God, to learn what will cause us to be prosperous in all aspects of our lives. 


Find out what belongs to you in Christ and begin to renew your mind with the truth of the Word.  Soon your soul will begin to prosper.  Third John 2 says you prosper as your soul prospers.  There isn’t anything mystical about that.  If you are going to learn a new profession, you will become adept at “being that profession” as you learn about it and act accordingly.  It’s the same as the profession of being a Christian, you must learn how to do it if you are going to act accordingly. That’s not a hard thing to do.


Receiving the blessings of God begins with believing what God says in His Word and then walking in that truth.  When you reverence and honor God enough to obey Him, you are operating in “the fear of the Lord.”  The Bible says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…”  (Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 9:30).  And wisdom is what will bring true riches, spirit, soul and body, to your life.


Renew your mind with the Word of God and depart from the things in your life that are not pleasing to God.  Choose to walk in godliness, purity, power and prosperity and you can experience days of heaven on earth.


Meditate in Psalm 91.  It is such a good teaching from God’s Word of what you need to do.


When you know from the Bible what God expects of us, then you can answer people who say, “well, why did God allow this or that?”  You will be able to, in love, give them the direction they need from what you have learned.  Psalm 91 tells us clearly that we can be safe from all harm, at all times, if we do what is written in that Psalm alone. 


Hebrews 2:3 tells us, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him.


So, for this month I will close by saying, “delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  Not what you desire, but He will give you His desires for your heart.  You can’t lose by doing that.  


Everything we need to be able to be safe, free from harm of all kinds, healthy and prosperous is in God’s Word.  It’s up to us how much of it we want to learn and know about.


As for me and my house, we want to “know it all.”