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Rev. Ann White, SW Washington


(Psalm 91)

In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, verse 8, we can find the secret (and yet God is revealing it to us through Joshua) of being successful in all areas of our lives.  That would mean successful in our health, wellbeing, prosperity, and having the assurance of safety for us as well as our children.  Yet, whenever we look at people’s lives, we don’t see these things.  We see everything but what God has promised us in His Word. I receive prayer requests every day for so many things – most of them sicknesses, people being admitted to the hospital for different things, grieving relatives because their loved ones have ended their lives through suicide or drug overdoses, and the list goes on.


In 3 John 3:2, God says, “Beloved, I wish (pray) above all else that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.”  So, if this is what God wants for us, then why are the above issues so prevalent in our society – more specifically the born-again believers, naming the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. 


In Psalm 63:1, we are told “Early will I seek You” and in Matthew 6:33 it says to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all of these things will be added to you.”  The “all of these things would be the health, well-being, prosperity and safety for both ourselves and our loved ones.  So, in being very honest with ourselves, if we believe what God says in His Word, I believe the responsibility lies with us.  In Deuteronomy 30:19, God tells us He has “placed before us life and blessing or death and cursing.”  Then He goes on to say, YOU CHOOSE.  So, if things aren’t going well with you and yours, there are some choices you apparently will have to make differently.


In II Timothy 2:25, it says “in meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; (26) And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”


We see in verse 26, it is up to you and me to recover ourselves out of the snare of the devil!!!


I would ask you to look at John 10:10 as to what the snares of the devil are – just what does he do to you to snare you?  It says, he comes to steal, kill and destroy.  If the bad things are happening to you and your family, falling under any one of those areas, then you can see who is behind it.  This is where Christians need to be taught about the enemy, but it seems very few of us are teaching it.  Yet, there are 16 demonic spirits named in the Scriptures, and what they are responsible for. 


In James 1:17, it says, “all good things come from God.”  So, if good things aren’t existent in your lives today, then you need to pick up God’s instruction manual and make the changes He requires.  We live in a fallen world, but God through our acceptance of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, can and will make a way for us that can go from “cursed” to “blessed.” 


Joshua 1:8, that I referred to previously says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  FOR THEN YOU WILL MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS AND THEN YOU WILL HAVE GOOD SUCCESS.


I don’t think it could be much more clear than that.  I can say that once you get in the Word, find a good Bible teaching church and find your place in it, you will then make your way prosperous.  It’s up to you.  There’s no one that can do it for you and only you will give account of what you did or didn’t do with what God had planned for you.  You can fall so in love with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit that you will MAKE TIME to be with them.  They are all three waiting for you – so start today.  Be free of sin, sickness, disease and fear.   I have gotten to the place where I MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS to putting Him first in my day, for a lengthy period of time.  I “make my schedule” around His Word and my quiet time with Him.  I’m just that stubborn.  But He is also that important to me as well.  I’M SO IN LOVE WITH GOD MY




FATHER, JESUS MY LORD AND MY FRIEND HOLY SPIRIT that I just wouldn’t have it any other way. 


He’s waiting to meet with you too.  Are you far enough down the barrel that you can only look up?  He will surely save you now.  Don’t wait another minute – ask Jesus to come in and make you a new creation.  II Corinthians 5:l7 says He will. 


If you need a Bible, email me now and I’ll send you one right away.  Otherwise, start getting into His Word and see about all the great things He has for you.  He also says in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for YOU, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Granted, He knows them – and if they are as good as He says they are – let’s do like He says – seek Him early and first every day.  THEN (and only then) you will move into a healthy, safe, prosperous and fulfilling life every day. 


God Bless you.


Sincerely in Christ, Ann White