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Blessings, Rev. Ann-White,



Rev. Ann White, SW Washington


As we are in the month of February 2005, we know it is a time when we especially express our love to those that we care about.  We take the time to share positive thoughts and good things to those we love.


As the title of my article for this month would indicate, God Himself has given to us “positive thoughts and good things,” as our being the people of His love.


The second word of the title, “blessing” means, “the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God.  Notice also, along with giving us that burden removing, yoke destroying power, He adds no sorrow with it.  It would seem to me then, that the things that are in our lives that have any kind of sorrow attached with them, would not be from God.  That would then put the responsibility with us.  As I have said before, I believe that where we are today is a result of all the choices that have been made by the people throughout the generations of your family tree, plus those you have made yourself up to the present time.  Those choices have been made either in accordance with the Bible with good results, or outside of what is written in the Bible, with bad results.  What you don’t know CAN hurt you.


I have some favorite scriptures which make up my daily life in the Word of God – and the confession of it toward my salvation – my health, deliverance, safety, wealthy place and all salvation includes.  I would like to share them with you for your edification. 


·         My God loves me!

·         I have a Daddy, and I cry Father, Father to Him

·         I am the focus of God’s love!

·         I am in the right family

·         I carry weight with God

·         The love of God is in me and I never fail

·         I am the chosen and accepted of the Lord

·         No one but Jesus sits on the throne of my life

·         God made me a commander

·         The ability of command is in my spirit—I command the seed I’ve already planted to produce the hundredfold return now

·         I will SAY and surely God SHALL

·         I’ve been given a rod (of authority) from God

·         Jesus, the Word is my rod and I speak that Word

·         I make a decision to obey the Truth

·         My enemy will not triumph over me!

·         The blessing of the Lord makes me rich

·         God, I make a decision to be someone You can trust with money

·         People are looking to bless me and give into my life today

·         I’m expecting favor, enlightenment, power, ideas and concepts to rain down on me

·         I have knowledge of witty inventions

·         I’m increasing more and more

·         I am crowned with wealth and attractiveness

·         Money, real estate, property and wealth are attracted to me and I get the best deals

·         Real estate comes to me debt free

·         Lord, what You’ve already done, I receive

·         It’s celebration time in my life!

·         The drought is over in my life and the curse is broken

·         Blessings are hunting me down

·         I can’t fail, I’m marked and the blood of Jesus is crying out for me!

·         I am marked for good, blessing and favor

·         I am marked for extraordinary, unusual results in my life

·         My days of failure and defeat, mistakes and missteps are over forever

·         Nothing is impossible to me or for me

·         Jesus gave His joy to me

·         I can’t lose for winning

·         God makes my name famous and distinguished

·         God has granted me life and favor

·         I am growing in divine favor and I expect it all the time

·         I am satisfied with favor and full of the blessing of the Lord and I possess the land

·         The favor of God creates success in my life and brings “lands” and real estate to me

·         The favor of God opens doors that no man can shut

·         The favor of God goes before me into this day, week, month and year, creating divine appointments, connections and relationships for me

·         The favor of God changes government regulations, if need be, for me.

·         This year and every year will be a year of favor for my household and me

·         The forecast for my family and me is divine FOG (Favor of God) all day long

·          I am expecting divine FOG in this situation or opportunity

·         The divine FOG gives me preferential treatment wherever I go and whatever I do

·         Circumstances have to bow before the divine FOG in my life.


That is a Happy Valentine gift from God our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. 


Jesus said in John 10:10, “I came that you might have life, and that more abundantly.”  There is nothing “skimpy” when it comes to God.  Come on Body of Christ, let’s come up into the walk and lifestyles that we are to live and do Mark 16. 


Feel free to print these off and look them up for yourselves.  They are true in my life and can be in yours.


Happy Valentine’s Day!!!