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Bible-Study, Ann-White,


Rev Ann White, SW Washington 


According to Philippians 2:5, we are told to “let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.”


Looking at that verse, it would seem to me that “you” is the understood person – “you let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.”  This understandably will require discipline and diligence on your part.  Why do you think the enemy of our soul has people so busy and wrapped up in all of the things of his kingdom (the world and it’s systems) and not in the God of our salvation who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places?   Those spiritual blessings in heavenly places are all contained in His Word, to lead us and guide us in our daily walk and  make us successful in all areas of our life.  When He says, in Proverbs to “in ALL OF YOUR WAYS acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your paths, did He say that so we will try to figure it out ourselves?  Looking at yourself honestly, where has that gotten you?  Where has, “but, I think I will do it this way or that way, gotten you?”  If we are to “let this mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus,” it would seem that it would always be a sure thing to work out for good, if we “in all of our ways acknowledge Him – and He promises to direct our paths.”  Let Him tell us what to do, where and when, and IT WILL ALWAYS WORK.  Jesus did.  The gospels tell us He never did anything but what He saw the Father do, or what He heard the Father tell Him to do.  Why would we want to do anything short of what the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would tell us to do by His Holy Spirit that lives within us if we are born again.  Think about the fact that the Holy Spirit has been given to live in us – THE THIRD PERSON OF THE TRINITY OF GOD – Who worked with God and Jesus to bring all of the earth and everything related to it into existence.  I think He certainly has the capability to lead and guide us to do the right things – if we let Him. 


When I was listening to a message the other day, it was about in Matthew, the 4th chapter, where Jesus was taken into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.  Every time the devil spoke to Him, He always replied with the Word of God.  He made a very bold statement about, “man shall not (notice the command there?) live by bread alone, BUT by EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.” 


How is it then that we as His followers would do any differently?  Or is it because we haven’t been taught correctly.  Today, when I listen to other believers, they talk just like the world talks.                                  


As far as what Jesus says we are to do, I see another instruction from Him in Romans 12:1 and 2, where He tells us to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  He also tells us that we are in the world, but we are not of the world.”  He also says, “come out and be separate from them.”  Be separate from who?  From the world and the way “it thinks” and does things. 


How would our lives be if we responded to every bad situation with I Corinthians 13:4-8?  If we had a bad situation and we reacted to it with, “I’m going to be patient, kind, not take this into account, not fret about it, not be touchy about it, and all of the rest of the ways that the God kind of love responds to the situation.  It would eliminate your high blood pressure, ulcers, and all the other kinds of sickness that result when we don’t walk in the God kind of love. 


If you’re praying, but not walking according to the Word of God, expecting to have everyone or anyone else do your “Word Work” for you, you might as well give it up and go with the worlds way of thinking. 

The scripture says, “if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.”  So, how can we continue to “do it our way” and wonder why our prayers aren’t answered?  Remember, it says (you) let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus. 


The time has come when we cannot compromise our stand with God, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit anymore. 


My question to you would be – if the Lord looked at your life, would He find “faith in the earth today?”  Will you be one of the 10 virgins whose lamp is trimmed and full of oil because you have decided to “seek Him first and seek Him early” or will you be one of the five of the ten virgins who had no oil left in their lamps and they were “shut out.” 


Our lives must become disciplined as He says in Matthew 6:33 – seek Him FIRST in your day and in Psalms, seek Him early.  Who are we to think we can just “do it our way?”  We can’t and live by all the benefits that He has promised in His Word.


Each one of us has been created for God’s own and specific purposes.  Why not get in the flow of what He is doing today by revising your schedule to seek Him first in your day and seeking Him early in your day.  Start a little at a time, but please start.  He NEEDS you and so desires to have your fellowship and friendship.  After all, we surely look forward to going to heaven some day don’t we?  But, we have work to do here and now – today.  Ask Him who He would like you to be a blessing to this day. 


There is a marvelous small booklet – leather bound – by Charles  Capps called “God’s Creative Power.”  It has scriptures on each area of knowing God, healing and health, and financial success.  It’s available at Wal-Mart for $9.95.  GET ONE – JUST DO IT!!  It is a marvelous book that you will use every day.


Bye now and here’s to “successful living” after seeking Him first and seeking Him early.  Make your schedule around the word of God.


Rev. Ann White,

Retired RN