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Bible-Study, Ann-White,


Rev. Ann White, SW Washington


When I pray, I want to know I am “hitting the mark” if you will.  I have thought many times about praying specifically for our troops in Iraq, as well as how to get Osama bin Laden “found out.”


I want this month to share some specifics I was given in a Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine.  I found in the article the specifics about praying and using my spiritual authority. 


I take this article with me when I go to the park to walk my dog in the morning and am using it as a tool in our spiritual warfare against the principalities and powers over Baghdad.  Please join me in praying these scriptures and in pulling down the strongholds.


     “Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus we stand up, step out and step into our place.  We call the devil down that’s been protecting Osama bin Laden and the henchmen and the lieutenants.  Devil we call you down from your place of authority by the Lord God Almighty – you crawl the dust of the earth.  We call you down.


We call the protection around them down.  We shine the light on their hiding places.  Lord Jesus, You said they’d not be able to hide.  Even the rocks will cry out and say here they are, here they are, come get them.


Now we call for what’s ours in the things of God.  Satan we rebuke you and we call you down.  We break your power; we loose you from this situation.  You will not protect these wicked people any longer.  Now you stop in your maneuver to kill American troops and to bring down the government of the United States of America.  No!  This is the judgment arm of God and you take your hand off of it.


Now ministering angels, ministering spirits you go do what you’re supposed to do in this.  And you do it now, right now this moment.  We dispatch you in the Name of Jesus.  You go uncover Osama bin Laden, you go uncover all of those terrorists.  You uncover them.


God is the real terror here to the wicked and the evildoers.  And we call for there to be suddenly a great desire in the heart of everybody in Iraq to turn those people over, to stop this thing in Jesus’ Name.  People will have visions in the nighttime all over Iraq, all over Iran, all over Syria… The angels of the Lord are going in and out, in and out with impunity, going into the dark places of Saudi Arabia.  Revealing the dark places, revealing the people of darkness.  Striking fear in the hearts of the enemies of God, fear in the hearts of the enemies of Jesus.  Now angels you go do what you’re supposed to do.  And devils you do what you’re supposed to do.  You bow your knee to God!  You bow your knee!


Let’s pray in the Holy Ghost here for a while. (Tongues)  No, back up, back up, back up, back up…you turn the ground loose.  In the Name of Jesus you back off.  You go get in your place!  How dare you.  You have attacked the armies of the living God.  How dare you…No we won’t have it that way in the Name of Jesus.  I call for a legion of angels in support of (our) troops, I call for a legion of angels, I call for the legion of war, I call for the legion of war, I call for the legion of war!!!  Go!!!  Rise up, hallelujah.  Bring down the enemies of heaven, the enemies of the Lord our God.  We invoke the 91st Psalm.  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!”


If God has been putting Iraq and the situations over there on your heart to pray for, hopefully this will be of help to you.  Remember God also tells us in I John 5:14 and 15 that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us and … we have the petitions we desire.


He also tells us about the ministering angels in Hebrews, sent to be ministers for the heirs of salvation.  You and I are those heirs to the salvation God has provided through His Son Jesus.  In Psalms God also tells us that the angels watch over the commands of God, to do them.  How awesome can that be!


Remember… If it’s in the Bible, it’s a Mater Of Fact!


God Bless You – Ann White