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BIBLE STUDY with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Pastor Randy Barnett, Oklahoma 


 Read the powerful passage in Ephesians 1:17-19….


 Ephesians 1:17-19


     17     (I pray) “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

     18     the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

     19     and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power.”


     There are obviously numerous truths found here, but for the sake of this study let’s look at just one.  Notice, if you will, in verses 18 and 19 the apostle Paul tells these Christians in Ephesus that he is praying for them and he specifically mentions three things he is praying about on their behalf, namely: 1) God’s calling, 2) God’s inheritance, and 3) God’s power. Paul wanted these early Christians to have these insights to help them; they are needed by each of us today as well, that is why we take the time to learn them and to embrace them.


     It is important to notice, first of all, that these things are spiritually understood.  How do we know that?  Because Paul says he is praying over their spiritual eyes that they might see and understand these mysterious and powerful truths. Remember: the things of God can only be comprehended spiritually; that is why those in the world simply cannot understand the ways of God – indeed they are foolishness to them!  But that is not the case with those who believe, like the church folks at Ephesus and you and me.  We have the Holy Spirit who is our Teacher and He lives within us and is even right now helping you and me to comprehend these insights we are discussing.  Aren’t you glad you have a Helper! Now let’s look at these three things Paul is praying about:




     One of the amazing truths about God is that He is the one who came looking for us! He beckoned us through the preached Gospel to come to Him – He called to us to follow Him.  The condition we were in when He reached out to us was wretched indeed!  But that did not stop Him.  He loved us.  His concern was not our present condition; (because He knows the end from the beginning) He looked beyond our sinful state and saw us as His children, righteous, pure, glorified, and filled with His grace.  WOW!  His calling literally changes everything about us – behold all things have become new.  That is what Paul wants these Christians to understand.


     Paul says there is a hope attached to that calling.  Indeed there is!  That hope is the certainty of God’s promises made to His covenant people, and that means those promises about this life as well as the one to come.  There may be difficult days in which the only thing we have to stand on is the certainty of the promises of God, and that is when we will rejoice that in fact they are “Yes” and “Amen” to us because we believe what God has told us in the Bible.  The hope of God’s calling is that anchor of your soul that keeps you strong even when everything is seemingly falling down around you.  Rejoice in the hope of His calling!





     The one who is born again by the Spirit of God stands in covenant relationship with God.  That literally means we are in the family. And it is the family members who have the promises of the blessings found in the will.  The Word of God is His will to us His children. Paul knew these early Christians needed to comprehend this wonderful truth.  If they did, they would enjoy all that Father had promised to them, otherwise, they would not.  The same holds true for you.  If you understand all that God has promised you, and you chose to receive it by faith, it is yours.  It is that simple.  Father God desires for His kids to have the very best of everything.  That is the way a father is, isn’t it? (Matthew 7:11)  Don’t you just want to jump and shout when you start thinking of how much Father loves you and all that He has in store for you!  Don’t you wish every believer had his spiritual eyes open that he too might comprehend such things?





     The people in the church at Ephesus were undoubtedly just like you and me.  They too had been burdened down by the weights of religion, in their case having come out of the darkest heathenism.  Even most of us who grew up in Sunday school and church bring with us a lot of baggage that are really religious weights.  One of the most common religious weights is the rejection of the power of God for His modern church. Some preach that God does not demonstrate His power any longer; that all those miraculous things have long since ceased. To those who accept such thinking, He indeed will not perform the miraculous for them.  Not because He does not desire to do so, but because He is courteous and gracious.  The truth here is that God gives us the right to determine our own level of faith.  Paul wanted the Ephesians to rise into the great faith zone, that is why he was praying like he was.


     The woman with the blood disease (Mark 5:25-34) stepped out and took what I call “the faith initiative”.  She reached out and touched the Master and received her miracle by the power in Jesus. It is important to note that Jesus did not decide to heal her; she decided to receive His anointing and that is when she was healed.  Jesus even told her that it was her faith that healed her.  The good news is that Jesus is still in the power business, just as He was 2000 years ago.  Whatever He did then, He is doing now.  Can you see why it is important for the children of God to understand the power of God?  Can you see why it is important for you to understand His power?


     Child of God, if you will allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the depths of these three truths to you, great things will begin to happen in your life.  It is time for great things to happen in your life.  God wants for great things to happen in your life.  Make the choice for it to start here and now.  Remember: Blessings always being with the Truth of God.  When His Word goes forth, signs and wonders and miracles follow. Be like the woman with the blood disease and make the choice to press in to Jesus and you too will experience His wonderful love and power.  Today is a good time for all this to begin, so go for it!


     Once you encounter a powerful truth, it is good to really get it down in your spirit.  One of the best ways for this to happen is for you to begin to confess it out loud. Confession is a dynamic force that releases the power of God contained in that truth.  Through your voice that power starts to flow outward and inward as well.  The outward flow causes things in the spirit realm to move in the perfect will of God on your behalf.  The inward flow changes your heart and mind to align with the perfect will of God, which is the truth you are speaking.  With this concept of confession in mind, please allow me to develop a confession for you on our subject.


Father God, I now confess that Your Word is true.  Your Word is powerful on my behalf and It is bringing about Your perfect will in my life.  I declare that my spiritual eyes are open to Your Word, and that I know the hope of Your calling.  By faith I receive the riches of the glory of Your inheritance that is in me.  And I rejoice that Your power is at work in me that I might experience and enjoy all that is in Your heart toward me!  May the name of Jesus be praised!


     I encourage you to use this declaration as a daily tool until you sense its power has renewed your mind on these three dynamic principles you need in your life.