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Pastor Randy-Barnett,

From Pastor’s Desk….

Pastor Randy Barnett, Oklahoma




     Most of us would agree that according to the Bible’s revelations about the end of time as we know it, we are in the end of the end times – the prophecies confirm this.  So, if this is true, what should be our view at this point?  Should we gather together in small groups and try to hang on until the return of Jesus? No indeed!  This is not a time of just barely getting into heaven by the skin or our teeth. This is the greatest hour of the Church! This is the time when we believers must rise to our destiny in the Kingdom of God and fulfill God’s purpose for our being here.

     Read and rejoice over Isaiah’s prophetic look into the future of the Church in Isaiah 60.  Even though we know this passage also deals with the promises of God to the nation of Israel about their return from captivity, the fullest understanding is certainly messianic and eschatological.  This passage speaks of the very time in which we are living.  This is day when the glory of God will be seen on His people, just as verse 1 says: “…and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”  This idea of the glory of God being upon His children is again reiterated in verses 2 and 3.

     There is an important remaining piece to the puzzle that must be set in place if this glory is to be seen upon the people of God, and that is for the Church to come together as one. She has spent hundreds of years in a state of brokenness, fragmented in denominations with walls that separate us from one another.  The good news is: this is changing.  Praise God!  The walls are coming down as God is revealing to His servants the need for true unity.  This is not through man’s feeble attempts at ------, but rather is happening as God changes the hearts of Church leaders and they are moving out of His way and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring us together in true unity.  How beautiful it is to behold!

     True unity does not mandate conformity on every dot and tittle.  The peripheral beliefs that define our groups are OK; but we must recognize the need for total acceptance of our brothers and sisters in Christ who might not worship just as we do or who choose methods or practices of service to God that differ from our own. Ephesians 4:11-16 reveals what this end-time church will be like, and she is gorgeous! The saints of God will speak the truth in love – love will prevail; we will know our individual places in the Body and function in perfect coordination with each other to fulfill the plan of God; corporately we will rise into the very stature of Christ Himself, manifesting His love and power to the world.  Amen.

     I encourage you to allow the Spirit of God to guide you into your part of this great thing called the Church.  Find your place and stay there.  Know your reason for being and be consistent in functioning there.  And, above all, let love prevail in you.