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Pastor Randy-Barnett -

From The Pastor’s Desk

Pastor Randy Barnett, Oklahoma






    The story is told of a distant, South Pacific island whose inhabitants had been exposed to a debilitating disease that was rampant throughout their tribe.  A ship from England happened by this wayward island and possessed the remedy for the disease. The problem was that there was only a very small quantity of the medicine.  The tribal leaders were instructed on how to increase the quantity of this drug over time in laboratory dishes.


     Soon the leaders of the tribe had sufficient enough quantities to inoculate themselves and they quickly began to heal and strengthen.  They inoculated others as the quantities were formed.  It did not take long until everyone in this particular village was well and strong. But, the other three villages on the island had not received the life-giving drug. Why? The people in the first village soon lost sight of the need to carry the medicine to the other villages.  They had solved their own problem, and that was sufficient. The other villages suffered because those who had the cure failed to give it to others. 


Text Box: Every blessing we Christians 
enjoy is meant to enhance our ability 
to go and make disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ!
     You have been the given the rich gift of righteousness, and you have entered into the glorious existence of salvation.  Now you enjoy the blessings of your covenant with God.  But, just like the first villagers, most Christians have also lost sight of what they possess and what powerful impact it can have on those who have not received God’s cure for sin. Sinners by the millions are languishing in the throws of sin just as those other villagers languished in sickness.  The sad thing is this: there was a cure for those suffering villagers, but those who had the cure would not traverse the jungles and mountains to take the medicine to them.  So it is with us who have received the gospel of Jesus Christ.


     Wake up church! Far too many of us have fallen into the error of calling our “bless me now religion” as Christianity. The Great Commission still stands.  Jesus has not changed His mind about what His church is to be about. Yes, He has good things for us to enjoy (which is part of our covenant with God) but these must not be our focus. We are blessed financially, not just to have bigger cars and finer homes, but to fuel the spread of the gospel with our wealth.  We are healed, not to sit in comfort in our recliners watching TV, but to be strong and healthy enough to work the works of God.


     Child of God, every blessing you enjoy is meant to enhance your ability to go and make disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ. Rise up and rekindle the flames of evangelism within yourself.  Look beyond yourself and your needs; take the light of truth to pierce the darkness and bring those who are bound out into the glorious light of Christ. You’ve got the cure.  Now go and give it to someone today.  Be blessed as you go!