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Pastor Randy-Barnett -

From Pastor’s Desk…

Pastor Randy Barnett, Oklahoma



What Ministry Is Really About



     The last command given by the Head of the Church is clear; it is simply to go and make disciples of all nations and baptize them into the Church.  Whether we ministers are an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, or a teacher, we have one ultimate goal, and that is to expand the Kingdom of God by carrying out the Great Commission.


     From time to time it is good to remind oneself of what ministry is really all about.  The ministry is not unlike most other things in life in that the day-in and day-out challenges and pressures of ministry can lead us into a path that is unfruitful and therefore unscriptural.  For this reason, it is imperative to refocus occasionally so we can be pleasing to our Father as well as beneficial to the Kingdom of God.


     Perhaps this is not a challenge for you, if so, I commend you and applaud your ability to remain focused.  However, for me it is something I must purposely return to from time to time, and make a conscious effort to be obedient to the Lord.  As an example, in the years I functioned as the pastor of the local church, it was far too easy to lose sight of the Great Commission because of the daily burdens carried for hurting people within the walls of my church,  and because of the never-ceasing concerns over my parishioners.  These factors, coupled with the never-ending duties in the pulpit, in the planning of church events, and in casting the vision and overseeing it to the church leaders, I would find myself buried in such matters and not praying as I should over the lost or making plans to reach them.  Church growth for me had more to do with size and planning for the growth of my church than it did with a God-given burden for the lost who are going to hell unless someone reaches them with the gospel.


     I encourage you to re-think your ministry.  Regardless of your fivefold office or vision, be certain to incorporate into your efforts and energies an overall coordinated plan that moves the saints you minister to into an evangelistic mode day-by-day. 


·         Apostles, never lose sight of why you are birthing and edifying churches and overseeing the ministry offices – it is to motivate the fivefold offices under your charge to exhort the saints to expand the Kingdom through evangelism. 


·         Prophets, consistently speak to the elect of God, moving them from complacency and self-seeking into an outward view of society and a deep godly concern for others. 


·         Evangelists, even you need to be reminded that your gift is not to merely hold revival meetings, but rather it is to equip the saints for Kingdom service, which most importantly includes winning the lost. 


·         Pastors, your local church congregation is not the end of things; they must see themselves as conduits through which the love and power of God flows into their community. As the powerful anointing flows outward, people will come to Christ Jesus and enjoy the rich blessings of salvation. Your task is to see that that happens.


·         Teachers, no matter the biblical subject God has laid upon your heart for the Body, always move the teaching to ultimately encourage and motivate toward evangelism. Note: there is no subject irrelevant to winning the lost.


     This word of exhortation may find you lacking in this area of ministry, and for some, it may even mean that you must ask God to re-fire that deep love for the lost you once had. Ask Him; He desires to see this white-hot, evangelistic fervor in you once more.  Paul exhorted young Timothy to stir up the gift within him – I admonish you to do the same!  Stir up the drive within you to see the lost experience the beautiful love of God through salvation. 


      Man or woman of God, if your focus in the pulpit is on prayer, Bible study, church attendance, prosperity, cell groups, etc., that will be the general emphasis of the people of God who sit at your feet. Each of these things is good and must be taught.  But, make the teaching on prayer a moving of the heavens that the light of Truth might draw the masses to Jesus. As you motivate the saints to study God’s Word, make them aware that their ultimate goal is not the possession of knowledge, but rather using that knowledge to expand God’s Kingdom. Make church attendance more a matter of showing up to be equipped to serve God rather than filling the church house to reach growth goals.  When you release the truths of covenant prosperity into your people, help them see that the abundance you speak of is for “every good work.”  And make those cell groups more than a “bless-one-another” group, show them how to become harvesting machines for Jesus Christ.


     I am pleased that revelation has been released into the Body of Christ in the past several decades that shows us the glorious benefits of our covenant with God.  But I am concerned the Church has all but lost her passion to see sinners bow before God and rise up a new creature, washed in the blood of the Lamb, and miraculously changed by the power of God.  This can change; it will change as each of us who wears the fivefold mantle returns to our first love and does those first works again.


     Be blessed as you pursue the path God has set you on, and know that you hold the key to showing the saints the way of Jesus.