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Pastor Randy-Barnett -


Pastor Randy Barnett, Oklahoma







      You have an enemy that I very good at what he does, which, as John 10:10 tells us he comes to steal , to kill, and to destroy.  The good news for the child of God is that he is powerless against us when we 1) understand who we are in Christ, and 2) when we walk uprightly before the Lord, thus giving the evil one no place in our lives.


     One very effective weapon ole Slewfoot uses against us is the old you’re not worthyploy. One of the best illustrations of how he uses this evil weapon is found in the poignant story of the young man whom we call the prodigal son – the account is found Luke 15:11-24.


     As you read the account of this foolish young man you see how the choices he made led him into a life of wanton sin and degradation.  He squandered his inheritance on loose and sinful living, finding himself in the most deplorable condition imaginable, especially given the fact that he had apparently come from a well-to-do home. But it says that he came to his senses and remembered his father’s house and decided to return there.


     His decision to return was a good one.  However, he returned with an attitude of unworthiness.  Of course that sense of unworthiness stemmed from what he done in his sinful past. That sense of unworthiness flowed out of him as he met his father: “…I am no longer worthy to be called your son…” But I want you to notice very closely the response by his father to this declaration of unworthiness.  He ignored it completely!  In fact, within moments the wayward son was totally and completely reinstated to his full, former rank as “son” – the family coat was placed upon him, the signet ring that denotes the family’s authority was quickly placed on his finger, and sandals were placed upon his feet. As I step back to see this young man adorned in the finest apparel and possessing the ring of authority, I can hardly remember that just days prior he was eating pig slop and smelling just like those swine!


     How do you feel once you have sinned?  You tend to feel shame, don’t you?  You certainly have trouble approaching the throne of God even if it is to ask forgiveness and to confess you sins.  But, let’s learn the lessons from what Jesus teaches us from the parable of the lost son.


1)     Wrong choices (to sin) lead us away from close fellowship with our Father.


2)     Those wrong choices remove the blessings we enjoyed at our Father’s house.


3)     True repentance immediately restores us to the full enjoyment of the blessings of our high-ranking status as the King’s kid.


4)     Sinning does not remove us from family status.  We know this because the prodigal son never ceased to be the father's son despite the wickedness of his past.


5)      Father asks no questions about our former sins – He simply forgives them, removes them, and remembers them no more.


     Hear the admonition to you from Father God as found in Hebrews 4:16 


“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may

 obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”


     Your heavenly Father is like the father in the parable; Jesus meant for the story to reveal your heavenly Father's nature handles your sin.  He is so happy to see you return from sinning, He makes no mention of it simply because He has already forgiven it and cleansed you from all unrighteousness associated with it.  All He can see is His son and all He can feel is the great love in His heart for you.  And just like the father in the story who didn’t even take the time to bathe the young man from the stench of his past life, he immediately draped the robe of righteousness around his son. You too are draped with the white robe of righteousness despite the fact that underneath there is still a fleshly man that is, let’s say, “less than perfect.”  But your acceptableness to your Father comes from the robe, not from what is under it.  Your robe denotes your family status and because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are righteous.


     So the next time you blow it and sin happens, remember you are the Son of God, draped in His righteousness, and standing in His covenant love.  For those reasons, boldly approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and forgiveness, not with your head held down in shame, but confident in His love for you and rejoicing in His goodness.


     WOW!  What a Father you have! Rejoice in Him and give Him praise!


                                                              Pastor Randy Barnett