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Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma


Hebrews 6:9

But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes,

things that accompany salvation, though we speak in this manner.



barB.jpg     I remember well the night in May of 1959 when I was saved in a revival meeting in Guymon, Oklahoma. Our minister always had people testify after they were saved, so it came my turn. I stood to my feet and announced that Jesus had saved me and I was His. The congregation responded with celebration. My life in Christ Jesus started that night.


     At that point in time I was a young fellow and really did not know what had happened to me. I responded to the gospel call and the preacher told me Jesus came to live in me. In the evangelistic sermon it was quite clear to me that anyone who rejected God’s invitation to be saved was bound for an eternal hell in a lake of fire and everlasting torment. Since the emphasis seemed to be on getting one of these ‘fire insurance policies’ my notion of getting saved amounted to avoiding damnation. I was relieved to know that my eternal fate was sealed with my decision to get saved.


     I will forever be grateful to my home church for believing in and for preaching the salvation message, especially since so many modern-day churches fail in this regard. But it was not until many years later that I learned all that happened to me that Spring evening in 1959. The salvation that was given to me by God was far more than just the eternal ‘fire insurance policy.’ What I was given was a package of benefits, as it were, that included absolutely everything I need in life on this earth in this age before I enter my final eternal home in heaven! Wow! Look with me at this wonderful promise to the people of God found II Peter 1:3-4….

As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

     Years ago I started a new job with a large, national company and one of the great things about working there was the benefits package. The health insurance, the company car, the disability insurance, the paid vacations, the retirement program, discounts with major retailers, etc. All of it came with the status of “employee.” It was part of the deal. Your covenant with God is a lot like this. It comes with a wonderful package of benefits. And just like the job benefits were intended only for those with an employment contract, what God has given is meant for only a select few – for those who have been born again and stand in covenant with Him. The benefits package was not the primary reason I accepted the offer for employment but it sure was a blessing to my family. So it is with your covenant. You don’t accept God’s offer because of the benefits but you gladly accept them as “things that accompany salvation.”

     It has now been over 50 years since the day of my new birth, and sadly, too many of those years were lived in ignorance of my salvation benefits package. I did not know about God’s will for me to live in health and peace or be financially prosperous or to literally live in triumph over Satan and over every demonic power on earth or to expect favor to surround me. I did not know about the powerful promises of divine protection found in Psalm 91 or the fact that I could live with the full assurance that every descendant of mine from this point forward could be blessed to the fullest measure. I was saved for that entire time but I lived in ignorance of all that accompanies this wonderful thing called salvation. This same can probably be said for most born again Christians. Far too many believers are living far below their rights and failing to fully enjoy all of the promised blessings in their salvation benefits package. The prophet rightly said, “…My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6) We rightly conclude from this verse that knowledge of the Word of God is the key to unlocking the promises in your salvation benefits package. My final admonition to you is immerse yourself in the Word of God and discover for yourself all of the wonderful blessings that are in your salvation benefits package, and start enjoying your covenant with God to the fullest.

Psalm 103:1-5

Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.