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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine Recently, I did an informal survey of Christian television programs to determine the overall flavor of the programming




Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma








Barnett.jpg     Years ago I did an informal survey of Christian television programs to determine the overall flavor of the programming. I wanted to know what the men and women of God were teaching and what the Body of Christ was being fed. Of course, such a survey is a broad and general overview, because quite a number of different denominations and various groups were included. What I came up with concerns me. It even causes me to pause and ponder my own pulpit ministry.


     Almost without fail, the general flavor of the teachings and sermons had to do with some form of self-improvement. Here are some of the topics being addressed: health & healing, prosperity, freedom from fear, rising to your destiny, keeping your joy, maintaining your peace, finding strength for today, improving your relationships in the home, etc. I am sure there were programs I missed, so my survey was anything but thorough and complete; however, I would say the survey revealed, in general, what is being fed to the Church through the media.


     Personally, I stand in the Word of Faith stream, a theological arena that believes in and teaches believers how to see the promises of God work in their lives. We believe the Bible implicitly; and the Bible has much to say about improving every area of one’s life. So, from that perspective, what I discovered on TV seemed consistent with Scripture. It is interesting to note that during my survey, there was only one sermon that was focused on moving the listeners to action for the sake of the Kingdom. I commend Pastor Ron Phillips, a Spirit-filled Baptist preacher from Tennessee. Pastor Phillips saw fit to rise above the temptation to preach what the people want to hear and compel them to fulfill the will of God, which is to be the salt and the light in society and to be harvesters of the lost.


      I speak from the standpoint of a minister of the Gospel when I say that there is a difference in the way sermons are accepted depending on the subject. When I minister on a subject that feeds the saints’ desires for increase and self-improvement there is one response; but when the topic is a call to Kingdom service or sacrifice, there is quite a different response. In fact, throughout the years, I have often received criticism over the second category because people felt they were somehow being pressured. They wanted to hear the “Bless Me!” sermons, not sermons that beckon them from the Lazy-Boy recliner to minister the love and the power of God in the streets. When you can show them how to get rich, they will sit at your feet and soak up every word and you will even get an “Amen!” every so often. But as I would move them from getting the wealth to actually using that wealth for Kingdom purposes, they usually fell back on the “10% mentality” and continue to make plans for bigger houses, more luxurious surroundings, and trips abroad. Or, when I taught them to walk in strength and health, they rejoiced in their newly found wellness and the bliss of being pain-free. Rejoicing should come also because they are well and strong enough to glorify Jesus and labor in the whitened fields for Him.


     It is good to teach believers how to improve their lives, and it should be done from the pulpit because the abundant life is promised to the people of God. However, our recent historic focus has been so strongly slanted that way that now the saints have developed a “Bless Me!” mindset that tends to reject the call to service and to personal sacrifice. This must change. The covenant people of God must re-read the Scriptures and allow themselves to see ALL that is written. There are not only wonderful promises in the Bible that bless us, but there are clear commands from God as well. These commands don’t necessarily feel good to our flesh. Some require great self-sacrifice or even persecution for doing what is commanded. Satan and the world (and the people in it) hates Christians who are zealous for the Lord. As long as we sit quietly in our homes and houses of worship, the enemy is content to let us alone. But, when someone with Holy Spirit boldness steps out into the streets and starts to shout the clarion call of the Gospel, they rise up and stone him! It would seem that such political incorrectness is so strikingly foreign to many Christians; they too dismiss such devoted Kingdom service to God as outrageous and fanatical. How sad. This must change.


     How is this change from “Bless Me!” to “Here am I Lord, send me!” going to happen? It will start in the pulpit. As men and women of God called to minister the good Word of God move beyond men-pleasing and ear-tickling to truly leading the Church; the power of Truth will transform the listeners. They will then mature spiritually. They will discover that true health and wealth and happiness come only through Kingdom service. There is no sense of fulfillment like the Spirit’s inner witness that overcomes you when you know Father God is well pleased with you because of your selfless service to Him. His pleasure will happen because you do His will, not just because you receive His blessings.


     Allow me to encourage you to rise up higher. Don’t forsake believing and receiving God’s wonderful covenant blessings, they are there for you; but add to that the pursuit of the higher calling which is to selfless Kingdom service. 


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ

Jesus for good works; which God has prepared

beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10