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BIBLE STUDY with PASTOR RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Stronbolis eZine


From The Pastor’s Desk

 Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma






barnett.jpg     Can it really be that lil’ ol’ me is really important to God? I look in the mirror and what I see is anything but perfection, but apparently the Lord sees something quite different – something (someone) much more than I see. He sees a righteous man; He sees a holy vessel that is set apart for His divine purposes; He sees something so very special to Him and so wonderful that He sacrificed His only Son Jesus in my place! Can it really be?


     Can it really be that He created me to rule with Him here on the earth and to sit with Jesus in the heavenly places at His right hand in that exalted place of authority? He tells me that He has established His power and authority within me to fulfill His plan to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth! Can it really be?


     Can it really be that He has actually called me by His name and set me in covenant with Him, a covenant so laden with marvelous promises that it is too glorious for human comprehension? His love toward me is far above anything I can grasp and He has set in place everything I need for life and for godliness. Can it really be?


     Can it really be that He goes before me to make the way even when there seems to be no possible way? Has He really given His angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways? Has He actually said that He would be to me a shield and that nothing would harm me? And, what about His words that tell me that I can resist the devil and he will flee!? Can it really be?


     Can it really be that the Holy Spirit actually lives in me? Is He literally with me every moment of every day? Can I truly walk in wisdom always being led by Him and does He really promise to lead me into all the truth so that I am never deceived or never lack understanding? God tells me that He is my Counselor, He is my Guide, and He my Teacher. Can it really be?


     Can it really be that this Book we call the Bible is actually true? It defies all logic and all sound reasoning and It counters all common sense. It speaks of things too lofty for mortal man to comprehend, things like men walking on water, people being raised from the dead, bodies being restored and healed! And then there is this Man Jesus; He loves even the most unlovely, like the criminal hanging next to Him on a cross. Can it really be?


     What I see and hear from God is just too much; it is just too high and too marvelous! I think I am going to do what a man by the name of Abraham did when he encountered the words of Almighty God and thought within his heart, “Can this really be?” He chose to just take God at His word. He believed God. I will do the same; I choose to believe God. I now declare. “Yes, it really can be!”