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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine The covenant we enjoy with God is a wonderful thing indeed


From The Pastor’s Desk


Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma








barB.jpg     The covenant we enjoy with God is a wonderful thing indeed! Our covenant relationship with Him makes us one of His children, and that is a tremendous thing to contemplate. Just think about it – you and I are His kids!


     Of course, you know the devil is not exactly happy about your covenant with God, and he does everything in his power to disrupt it and to undermine your faith in God and in His faithfulness to you through the covenant. That is why it is mandatory for you to rise up and exercise your spiritual authority over him, using the power of God to drive him from you. You must not listen to his deception.


     I believe one of the most effective weapons used by Satan against believers is this thing called religion. Religion is actually the enemy of our covenant with God. In fact, religion is counterfeit relationship. A look at the Pharisees of Jesus’ day reveals what religion is really all about. It emphasizes performance and works, and it attempts to gain righteousness through them. It places manmade traditions and church “doctrines” above truth in direct violation of the nature of God. To the religionist the well-being of people is secondary to proper religious protocol and practices; there is an over-emphasis on sin rather than on the love and the grace of God. Religion is actually man-centered rather than God-centered. Our covenant with God is a simple and beautiful relationship that is based on mutual love and trust.


     A study of Church history reveals that as religion was given place within the Church, the power of God that flows through a personal relationship with God has continued to diminish. Now, the result is an organized religion distinguishing itself as the Church. The real Church does indeed still exist, but it exists in the heart of God and is comprised of His family members who stand in covenant with Him. The Church is simply people, regardless of denominational affiliation or peripheral doctrinal beliefs. The Church is still powerful through the Spirit of God who indwells us, and we continue to be the conduit through which God’s power and love flows to this earth-realm.


     You and I must clearly understand this evil thing called religion and work hard to destroy it and to displace it with truth within the Church. The truth is this, we stand in covenant with God, and that means we are family members and religion has no place in a family environment. We must grasp the dynamics of family living rather than adherence to certain church practices and codes of behavior that are of little value. We must rise into the revelation that we are the righteousness of God in Christ; we are not just sinners saved by grace; we were sinners and we are now saved by grace. (That is a huge difference!) We must open the truths of the blood covenant so the power of that knowledge can keep us from deception that cloaks religion. We can do this since we are anointed by the Spirit of God to do His work within His Church.


     I encourage you to stay before God in the Spirit until you receive rhema about your covenant with God and about this enemy called the spirit of religion. I declare that this evil spirit will bow its knee before the Lamb of God and His Church will arise in His glory and this veil of ignorance will be cast off. Amen.



Randy Barnett Ministries