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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT


From The Pastor’s Desk


Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma






Bishop Randy Barnett



barB.jpg     Years ago a popular television show had a comedy character by the name of “Geraldine” that used the line: “the devil made me do it!” anytime she did something she knew was wrong. Those situation comedies were funny to us and made us laugh. However, it is not so funny when Christians try to use the same line concerning their own moral failures. 


     I have always advocated that having a sound understanding about our adversary – Satan – is very important to every Christian. The truth is this: To understand one’s enemy is to be positioned to defeat him. The fact of the matter is Satan has already been defeated by our Champion, whose name is Jesus. (Hebrews 2:14) What is left for you and me to do is to enforce the victory that Jesus won at Calvary. We do this through the divine authority given to us by God, which is carried out in the powerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord. That is why James tells us that when we resist the devil he flees. (James 4:7)


     Temptation to sin is faced by everyone, even born again Christians. Your new birth in Christ Jesus and your blessed entry into salvation did not insulate you from evil. Each day you face opportunities to sin, don’t you? Those temptations seem to be all around you, but here is the good news: God always makes the way of escape for you!


I Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.



     Do you see from this verse that you can never really blame your sinning on the devil? Of course you know that he is involved in presenting the opportunity to sin, but the truth is your flesh is the real enemy here. Read James 1:14-15 to understand how this works. The conclusion is simple: if you can figure out how to keep your flesh in check, then you can keep from sinning. The Word of God actually tells you how you can do that very thing. Read what the apostle Paul writes in Galatians 5:16. There is your key to living a life that is victorious over sinning; the key is walking in the Spirit.


     To walk in the Spirit is a theological-sounding phrase, so let’s discuss what it means. Look at the life of Jesus and from His example you can understand what it means to walk in the Spirit. First of all, Jesus never did anything on His own initiative. For you that translates into simply obeying the Word of God. The Bible is your handbook for living, and when you live by what it says you overcome all temptations because of its power working in you. Secondly, Jesus was constantly led by the Holy Spirit that indwelt Him. You have the very same privilege because the Spirit of God lives within you. The Bible tells you He always leads you into all truth and that equates to a life of freedom in Christ Jesus. To sum this up, the phrase “walk in the Spirit” relates to hearing and obeying the voice of God. You hear it through His written Word as well as through the inner voice of His Spirit. 24/7 He is your Helper and He is constantly showing you the way of escape from sin. He may lead you around the temptation or you He will give your victory through it. In any case, you win!


     Don’t be like Geraldine and try to blame the devil if you blow it. The right thing to do is to run to God, not away from Him. Remember that He is your Father, not the judge. If you confess your sin He is quick to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9) Get back up. Brush off your trousers, and start (again) walking in the Spirit.


     Ain’t God good!








Graphics by Pat