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Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma






bar.jpg     The most significant demonstration of covenant love is to give, for giving to the other party within a covenant relationship is what it is all about. God first gave to us His Son Jesus and in this paramount Gift He demonstrated true giving from a heart of love. So it should be with us to God. Giving should be so much a part of our relationship with Him that we are always looking for another opportunity to give to our Father.


     There are three levels of Kingdom giving. The first and most basic level of giving to God is the tithe, which represents one tenth of one’s income. Offerings are the second category of giving, these are your gifts offered to God over and above the tithe. The giving of alms is the third type of sacrifice to God; it is given directly to someone in need. A covenant person will willingly and joyfully practice all three types of giving.


     My encouragement to you is to not set the tithe (10%) as a standard for your giving. It is my opinion that our giving begins at the tithe level. Your giving of offerings above the tithe is a good practice in that it helps to promote special projects in the church or to expand the gospel around the world, or some other worthwhile Kingdom endeavor. The amount or the percentage given in the form of offerings may be determined either by your own choice or by divine guidance of the Holy Spirit to give. It is good to remember that your financial harvests come back to you in proportionate levels to your level of giving. (II Corinthians 9:6) Alms giving also may be initiated by your own compassion for someone in need or the Lord may guide you to help that needy person. Monies given in the form of alms is repaid directly to you in an equal amount by God Himself. (Proverbs 19:17)    


     There continues to be errors in some Christians’ minds concerning the tithe. Let us set to rest the false doctrines about tithing.


1)    Tithing is an Old Covenant practice and does not apply to us in the Church today. It is true that tithing was one of the commands given by God to Israel; however, tithing did not originate with the Law of Moses. Over four hundred years before Moses Abraham gave a tithe to God when he laid his tithes at the feet of Melchizedek. (Genesis 12) This act of worship as we can see was not motivated by some law or regulation, but purely from a heart of love for God. Tithing is a trans- covenantal doctrine; it is one that is found in each of the covenants.


2)    Tithing dictates one’s status.  Some church groups wrongly connect one’s righteousness or at least one’s good standing with the local church to their tithing. This is not good. One’s right-standing with God is a gift from Him; righteousness is not a measurement of obedience to any particular commandment, nor should a pastor or church measure one of his own by their level of tithing. The tithe is solely between God and His child.


3)    Tithing is a form of fund-raising. The tithe must never be used as a form of fund-raising for the church. Some ministers have heavy-handedly promoted tithing to fund the operations of the local church. This is not good. Even though the monies from tithes that are received into the church are used for the purposes of sustaining the local church, the emphasis must not be on the need for money. The intended purpose for the tithe is an act of worship to God by one of His covenant partners. Encouraging Christians to tithe in order to produce operating monies is error.


     It is good to remember that giving to God is never a matter of loss to the giver. Your tithe or offering is a Kingdom investment. Your gifts to God are seeds that will produce a harvest in far greater measure in value for you than the original seed that was planted. Alms given to the needy, on the other hand, are literally monies you lend to God and He will quickly return them to you. As you can see, your giving to God is always good and it is always profitable.


     One final thought. Determine in your heart to make your giving a joyful thing. Avoid allowing your giving to deteriorate into a religious burden. The truth is this: giving is a privilege God has afforded His covenant partners to participate in the Gospel and to help alleviate the burdens of poverty and lack. Your gifts advance the Kingdom of God and bring glory to Jesus Christ our Lord. Be cognizant of these blessings as you give and it will result in a greater joy to you. This joy is further elevated through the knowledge that you are pleasing to God when you are generous to Him, and your aim should always be to please the Lord.