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Bible-Study with BISOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine HIGHER AND HIGHER


From The Pastor’s Desk


Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma






     The other day I was being entertained by one of my grandsons. Lucas is about to turn one year old. Did I barnett.jpgmention the fact that little Lucas really loves his Pawpaw? These past twelve months for him have been all about learning and growing and maturing. Each day for him is an adventure in learning new stuff. Throughout his process of growth I have sensed the Holy Spirit (who is our Teacher) comparing what I was seeing in little Lucas with the spiritual maturation of a believer. The one word that seems to be surfacing in my spirit is the word increase.


     One of the most fundamental spiritual laws is the law of increase. Simply stated the law increase is the force of God moving whatever is alive to grow and reproduce. The idea is that which is alive is always going to a higher place of existence than it had previously experienced. When little Lucas began to crawl his horizons expanded greatly; he literally went to a higher plane. As he elevates again into walking, we all better look out! He is ever moving higher and higher in his development as a human being. So it must be with each of us who are alive in Christ Jesus.


     We begin our life in Christ Jesus through the new birth. (John 3:3) At that point in time we start the process of spiritual maturation because that is when the law of increase is released within us by the Holy Spirit. God’s grand design for each of us is that from the very first day we are forever increasing, increasing in knowledge, increasing in faith, increasing in love, etc. In fact, every facet of our spiritual life is meant to be increasing continually. The Scriptures are filled with dozens and dozens of passages that speak about this law of increase – you can study Ephesians 4:12-16, I Thessalonians 3:12, I Peter 2:1, II Peter 1:5-11, to list only a few; these will help to develop your understanding of the law of increase.


     The thing to grasp here is that everything in your spiritual life should be increasing continually. This year you should be doing things that you could not do last year. This week’s level of knowledge of the Word of God should be greater than it was last week. Your love walk should be more pronounced now than it ever has been. Are you getting the picture? With the help of your Helper (He is the Spirit of God within you) your capabilities will always be growing. As you feed on the good Word of God and daily commune with the Lord in prayer, wonderful things will happen – you will increase!


     Far too many Christians fail to mature spiritually. This can happen for a number of reasons. It may be that they are in a church environment that does not understand that the new birth is just the doorway into salvation and not the final destination. It may be that the emphasis of the church is on being “seeker friendly” or on evangelism rather than on disciplining believers. Or, the failure may lie within the individual. For example, if a person is backward-looking, (Luke 9:62) all spiritual progress comes to a complete stop until he deals with the issue according to the Word of God. The writer of Hebrews portrays this problem like this, “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God” (Hebrews 5:12-14) Do not allow this spiritual paralysis to happen to you. It is your choice. When you cooperate with the law of increase, you will start to increase and will continue to do so for as long as you desire.


     I encourage you to expect increase in every area of your life, both spiritually, materially and physically. That is the will of God for you. Plant seeds in each of these areas so the law of increase can work for you. Give and it will be given back to you. Love and you will be loved. Be diligent and your efforts will be rewarded with promotion and raises. Laugh much and joy will envelope you. Declare each day, “Today I am increasing in every area of my life!” And I say, “Amen.”