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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS


Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma


Just a few days ago the American people elected a new president. For many of us whose political preferences are shaped by our moral beliefs, the results of the election were not as we wanted. Frankly, there is a deep concern in me that our nation (and the world) took a turn in the wrong direction. There is a strong possibility we will see decisions come from the White House, from Congress, and perhaps from the Supreme Court that directly fly in the face of our Christian faith and certain fundamental truths we Christians hold dear, such as the sanctity of life for unborn children and the preservation of the heterosexual family model. We have taken several steps backwards, and that is not good.


Even though we are concerned about the future of our nation and the direction it will take not only politically but morally, we have a responsibility to the one we elected as president and to those who won House and Senate seats. The responsibility we have is to pray for them. It also behooves us to avoid the temptation to criticize or condemn those in authority, for do so is to disobey the Lord, and that is not good.


We must remind ourselves that prayer is a powerful spiritual force. That is why we are admonished to pray for those in authority over us. Our prayers can make the difference between a good decision and a bad one. (even made by someone who is not led by the Spirit) The Spirit of God can move upon the hearts and minds of leaders and guide them into righteous choices. He can sway them toward truth even when it counters their own personal beliefs. God is God and He can do mighty things! But what He needs on the earth is someone who will pray. Our prayers, when aligned with the will of God, become the means by which His divine plan unfolds. Apart from prayer sin reigns on the earth; through prayer righteousness prevails. There has never been a more important time to pray for our nation. Much lies in the balance right now; and a few individuals possess the power to move our nations in accordance with God’s will or not. The Church must rise up to insure that what is right and godly is what happens. If we pray, good things will happen, and that is good.


Let us not make the mistake in thinking that we are powerless now because the election is over and the voting has ended. We are not powerless!  The Church is powerful because God is powerful and we have a direct covenantal connection with Him as His ambassadors on the earth. We know what He desires in our nation and for the whole world; therefore, our prayers become the catalyst for producing the will of God. These men and women who won their respective governmental positions hold only the power given to them by God. And He will guide them as we pray for them. The will of God will be done in the United States, and that is good.


The United States has been under an economic attack in recent months. It is obvious to me why this has happened, and the basic reason has little to do with economics. The underlying cause of this financial crisis is a spiritual attack against the one nation that has done more for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world and generous humanitarian efforts than all other nations combined. Satan cannot afford for us to be strong financially because he realizes the global impact we have against his kingdom of darkness. If he can weaken our nation financially, he can hinder the spread of Truth to the nations, and that is not good.


The Church must mature. It is time for us to come together as one in covenant relationship and fulfill the plan of God. (John 17) His plan is for His church to prevail against the forces of evil. We are not weak because the Greater One is within us. I believe this election is an eye-opener for us; we must set aside our petty differences (our peripheral doctrinal beliefs) and exert the powerful influence of the Holy Spirit who is in us. We can help to shape the future of the globe. Each of us must start where we are individually by accepting all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, even those whose beliefs and worship practices differ from ours. Love must prevail. The spirit of oneness must move each of us towards others within the Church. In other words, it is time for the family of God to act like a family.


Our voices when raised as one voice can move the heart of God and produce good in our great land as well as around the world. Let us study the Word of God and determine His will, then let us pray that will and expect to see wonderful things happen. Now that really is something good!