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Bible-Study with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine The level of bad news all around us seems higher than I can recall




Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma







gatlinCRP.jpg     The level of bad news that surrounds us these days seems higher than I can ever recall. Every time I see the news, almost all I hear is how bad things are, who is to blame for it, and the dire future that lay ahead. Scandals abound in high places. Wars and destruction are happening around the globe. The financial crisis has swept to every corner of the earth. Incurable diseases are rising faster than modern medicine can cope, and epidemics of deadly proportion are ravaging people groups. Bad, bad, bad…… that is the news these days. What is happening?


     What is happening is simply the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Jesus foretold such things. Paul discussed it further saying “difficult times would come.” This is why these messages of gloom and doom should not surprise us. Not only should they not surprise us, but they should not disconcert us in least. “What?” you say. That’s right, all the bad news should not move any of us who stand in covenant with Almighty God. The covenant means we have family status and that means there are added measures of the blessings of protection, provision, and well-being. And since these things abound for the covenant child of God, we must not be distracted from our Great Commission.


     It absolutely amazes me when I hear Christians speak in fear terms. Don’t they know about their covenant? Have they not read about the promised blessings that come to the people of God even in times of famine or war? Has truth escaped them; the truth that calms their fears and add peace to them in the midst of the storms? What has happened to faith in God? What has happened to knowledge of the Bible that is a strong foundation? Is there no knowledge of God in them that elevates them above bad news with the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Has evangelistic boldness fallen in the streets?


     I fear we have “played church” for too long. In our attempts to make the church more palatable to the unbeliever and our worship services more seeker friendly, there has been a slow and steady slide away from the Truth that is powerful and supernatural. Truth is not palatable to the unbeliever; it was never meant to be so. Truth was meant to reveal sin and the need for a Savior. It was intended to demonstrate the love and power of Jehovah God – through covenant men and women. And the environment of worship was not meant to be friendly to a sinful world; it was intended to be dynamic and different and life-changing, so different in fact that there was no mistake in the minds of seekers that they have discovered the place of love and power.


     The question is this: “Do we have the courage to do an extreme makeover of the Church?” A makeover that totally transforms her back into that powerful, dynamic Bride she was at the beginning. Step #1 is for the Church to get above being concerned about what society thinks of us. We are different from them and that is as it should be. If there is any conforming to be done, it is them conforming to the will of God, not the other way around. The Body of Christ has the answers to the problems we are all facing and the world is looking for those answers, now is the time for us to arise into our destiny and become the light in the darkness. Let the light of Truth shine brightly, unashamedly, and with great courage through us - the Church.


     Evangelism, brothers and sisters, is far more than merely witnessing to someone and sharing the four spiritual laws or parroting out some prepared little script formulated to get them to repeat the prayer. Evangelism is demonstrating the love and power of God and it starts inside the Church. If the worship environment is one of expectancy of experiencing God in all His glory, then that will flow outward into the streets in the saints just as it did on the day of Pentecost when 5000 came to salvation in a single sweep. This is the time to return to our first love, Jesus, and to make Him known in our communities. This is the time to shine! Rise up Church!