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Bible Study with Bishop Randy-Barnett @ - home of Strombolis eZine MANAGING THE TEMPLE



Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma





randy2.jpgIn 2006 I suffered a stroke. I want to report that I have experienced the awesome power of my God through His miraculous provision of healing. From this incident it has become clear to me (once again) the need to properly maintain this temple of God. Our bodies are the dwelling place of the Spirit of God and therefore are important in God’s plan for us and for the earth. Look with me at I Corinthians 6:19-20:


“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For

you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body

and in your spirit, which are God’s.”



Here the apostle Paul is reminding the saints in Corinth a truth that you and I must heed to as well, and that is we are not our own. Indeed we belong to God because He paid the price; He purchased you and He purchased me. Now we are His. This is the message God is conveying to you right now. Why? Because He needs for you to fully understand that maintaining this temple of His – your body – is not an optional matter, it is actually a matter of stewardship. Truth is developed for you in this verse: Romans 12:1


“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present

your bodies a living sacrifice to God, which Is your reasonable service.



Apparently your physical body is important to God or He would not have had Paul write about it. In fact your body is an important element in God’s plan for you. This truth was made clear to me when I was lying in the hospital bed during my season of healing after the stroke. This problem stopped me in my tracks. I was in no condition to work; my ministry suffered while my temple was undergoing repairs. My life and ministry had to be put on hold during the restoration process.


I don’t know all there is to know about walking in divine health, but because of what we read in Holy Scripture I truly believe we can. We can because God has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, (II Peter 1:3) and included in that little word “all” most surely is the divine blessing for God’s covenant children of living above sickness and disease and apart from all calamity. The Lord has promised us that we are always led in triumph, (II Corinthians 2:14) and that promise must surely include victory over the things that attack our physical bodies. Let us choose right now to accept the words of God as truth and build our beliefs on them and develop our faith because of them.



This teaching is not a teaching on divine health; it is a reminder to be wise and one of the ways that translates in the stewardship of God’s temple. And because of that we alone are held responsible for maintaining it properly.


How do we do this?


1)    Be wise in a physical sense through adequate sleep, proper diet, and daily exercise.


2)    Be wise by releasing the promised blessings of God on a daily basis over your body – speak the Word of God because His words are your medicine, they are your shield, and your victory! (Psalm 107:20)


3)    Be wise by placing your trust constantly and completely in God – this eliminates stress. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


4)    Be wise and take a stand against the enemy daily; forbid the evil one from working in your life. (Matthew 18:18)


     I was painfully reminded of the importance of practicing wisdom with regards to maintaining my temple. I encourage you to hear my words and receive instruction. Enjoy God’s very best in your life as you practice wisdom!