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Bible Study with Bishop Randy-Barnett @ - home of Strombolis eZine GOD SET VICTORY IN PLACE FOR YOU


From the Pastor’s Desk

Bishop Randy Barnett, Oklahoma







Psalm 112


randy2.jpg      This morning my wife Kay and I were having devotions together over a cup of coffee and enjoying the wonderful presence of the Spirit of God. Kay read Psalm 112. From that chapter these words leaped from the page, “He [the righteous] will not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemies.” [verse 8]  I saw something in that instant, by the Holy Spirit that I want to share with you.


     First of all, the term “righteous man” in this chapter denotes someone whom the Lord has deemed holy and acceptable to Himself. This person stands in covenant with Almighty God. This is a key distinction here because one must understand that no one but those in covenant with God is privy to the blessings laid out in this chapter. If you have accepted the free gift of salvation offered by God through Jesus His Son by believing on Him as your Lord and Savior, you stand in covenant with God; therefore, all of the wonderful blessings in this chapter belong to you! Wow!


     To know truth is to be free [John 8:32] and so I want you to know the truth about what God has already done for you. Let’s start with this powerful verse:

II Peter 1:3

As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,

through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.


God tells you in this verse that He has already given to you all things you need in life and even in your Christian walk. If that statement is true, (and it is!) then there is nothing left for Him to do for you. In fact, there is nothing left for Him to do for you. Jesus said it Himself just before He died on the cross. He said, “It is finished.” In other words, everything that I need to do for you is now accomplished. That, my brothers and sisters, is good news!


     Let’s build further on this dynamic doctrine of completion and apply to your everyday life. The work of God was completed at Calvary so that means any challenge you face or enemy that attempts to attack you has already been defeated. Why would I say that? I say that because victory is what you need right then, victory over whatever it is that is trying to dislodge your faith or destroy something in your life. That need you have to conquer comes under the heading of “all things that pertain to life and godliness. If you accept the truth of II Peter 1:3, then you can clearly see victory is yours. Praise God.


     Here is the key phrase of this teaching: GOD HAS SET VICTORY IN PLACE FOR YOU! Your heavenly Father has already made a declaration about that challenge you are facing; He has deemed it to be defeated! He has set in place at Calvary your victory over that enemy. Think about it. If God has set victory in place, when you come along and suddenly encounter some horrific thing, you don’t have to be the least bit concerned since Daddy has already prepared your conquest. That is why the apostle Paul declares what he does in this verse:


II Corinthians 2;14

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ and

through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”


     You have a part to play in your victory. God has done what He needs to do; now you must cooperate with Him to see the manifestation of victory in your life. Your part is to release words – faith-filled Words of God – over the situation you are facing. [II Corinthians 4:13] Declare with all boldness and confidence that you are victorious in Christ Jesus and that He leads you in triumph! Bind the enemies that you are facing and render them powerless against you. [Matthew 18:18] Release the warring angels of God to do battle on your behalf, clearing the heavenlies of all forces of darkness aligned against you. Declare victory and enjoy the blessings of Psalm 112! Amen.