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BIBLE STUDY with BISHOP RANDY BARNETT @ - home of Strombolis eZine THE “Y” FACTOR









     Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed the worst financial calamity in recent memory. This, coupled with the dangerous condition of the world, makes for uncertain times to say the least. But I declare, there is a hope most folks are not factoring into this equation of uncertainty, and that is what I call the “Y Factor.” The “Y Factor” defies human reasoning which is precisely why all the thinking heads of the financial world and the US government do not consider it. The “Y Factor” does not align with any of the political or economic theories taught in our universities, and quite frankly, it seems downright ridiculous to most. Actually, it is foolish.


     The Bible teaches us that the things of God are foolishness to the carnal man. That is because the ways of God defy everything that seems humanly logical. Is it logical, for example, to accept the notion that God even exists - we cannot see Him? Is it logical to think that God would choose to live in a human being - we are all fallible and sinful? Is it possible to wrap around the silly belief that Jesus was crucified, buried, and on the third day rose from the dead? Did Jesus and Peter really walk on the water? These are preposterous concepts!


     They may be preposterous concepts, but I believe them, and so do millions of believers around the world. Why would we embrace such outlandish things? We accept them because the Spirit of God who now lives within each person who has made Jesus Christ the Lord of his life has been given the capacity to believe the impossible. That capacity is what the Bible calls faith. Faith is our gift from God.


     Once faith is introduced into a person’s sphere of reality, everything changes. Faith is that supernatural force given to every child of God to accept the supernatural truths of the Word of God. And right now in this uncertain world, faith is needed more than ever. The reason it is needed is because it is faith that releases the power of the “Y Factor.” God’s name is Yahweh. He is the Y-ahweh Factor and He alone can deliver His little ones from disaster, from destruction, and from ruin, and He is more than happy to do so.


     Take a look at what God tells us in II Chronicles 7:14:


If My people who are called by My name will humble

themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from

their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and

will forgive their sin and heal their land.


Does this sound like something we here in America need? Does it sound like what the nations of the globe need? The answer to each question is “Yes!” We must have divine intervention. But to get it there are some things we must do first, namely, humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of God, and turn from sinning. When we do these things, God promises us He will heal our land.


     God is speaking to His covenant family in this passage. At the time of the writing of this passage God’s covenant people was limited to the physical nation of Israel. Now, His family includes anyone and everyone who has entered into that sacred covenant through His Son Jesus. The experience of the new birth is the entry-point into the family of God. And, it is His family members who are privy to the promised blessings, blessings like “I will be with him [you] in the time of trouble; I will deliver him and honor him”, “no evil will befall you nor shall any plague come hear your dwelling”, and “He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91) Peter, writing under the unction of the Holy Spirit tells you, “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.”

(II Peter 1:3)


     What wonderful promises these are! It does not look like God intends for His people to fall when everyone else falls. His promises are in place to give hope to His children. The important thing to remember is to focus on your heavenly Father’s promises rather than on CBS News. Believe God. His reports (prophecies) are good news, and you won’t find much good news on the evening news; so choose to think on things that are uplifting and hope-filled. The only place you will find such positive reporting is in the Holy Scriptures.


     Let me take you one step further to insure your victory over the present perils. It is indeed vital for you to believe in the Bible. You find the very words of God there. But as powerful as His words are, they must be released into reality if they are to change the circumstances of your life. His words must come off the pages of the Bible and flow forth from your mouth. Words are like containers. They contain power. That is why Jesus tells you to speak to the mountain yourself (Mark 11:23) and why He informs you that death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverb 18:21) When you speak the words of God the will of God happens. And His will in this case is for your well-being and for your victory over every challenge you will face.


     I assure you, that the ones who will practice these things will triumph over the tumultuous conditions of the world; they will rise above the mess and enjoy the fruits of being in covenant with Almighty God – the “Y Factor.” The “Y Factor” is your key to victory, so put your trust in Him and you will always be led in triumph in Christ! (II Corinthians 2:14) You can expect the systems of the world to continue to decline and eventually self-destruct, but do not fear. You exist in a different Kingdom, child of God, one that is not tied directly to the economies of the world. The One who signs your paycheck will not falter nor will He fail. He is faithful to His covenant and He will do everything He promises in the Word despite what is going on all around us. So, rejoice and look up, for He is your Deliverer and your Salvation! Amen.