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Love Stories

One Missionary’s Life


Pat Bates, Oklahoma



When you were a child,

did you ever hear…


You are so stupid.

Do you think this had an impact on you?  Do you ever say it to your children? Were you stupid, Of course not!!


Can’t you do anything right?

Don’t you think your parents should have loved you in a way that  made them more patient to teach you how to do things?  Don’t  destroy your children’s self-esteem.


Stop that crying!

Children have a right to cry.  This is a signal that they need to be loved, comforted and protected, not yelled at.


You’re worthless!

What a horrible thing to say to a child.  There is no such thing as a  worthless human being . . . Jesus did not die for anything that is       worthless . . . you are equal to the price paid for you.


My life would be much simpler

if I didn’t have you.

This is a cruel statement, usually made out of frustration of being a  single parent.  But it is not understood by the child in that context . . . they will believe they have done something wrong by being alive.


I don’t have time for you right now.

A child is a gift from God.  If they are not the most important thing in your life, what is?


Will you please leave me alone!

Many do! We never know what we have until it’s gone.


I am busy!!

You, as a parent ,must get your priorities in order.


I don’t have time to mess with you!

These kind of words usually contribute to a child’s life turning out to be a mess.



Maybe we should realize how important our children are to us.  Maybe we should realize that we spit in God’s eye when we destroy His gifts with our careless and cruel words.


Maybe we, as parents, should take the responsibility for our children being what they are and the adult they will be.