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Missionary Pat Bates - “THE DUMPSTER” -


Taken from the book “LOVE STORIES” by Missionary Pat Bates, Oklahoma


After God’s strength and the Holy Spirit’s guidance got me through Missions School in 1991, I pursued contacts in Australia with energetic tenacity.


Heath and I knew we had a call placed on our lives by God to go to Australia (God had told Heath; Heath told me; and the Holy Spirit confirmed it to me).  The call is to win the lost, the apathetic, the tribal peoples and the hopeless.  When I asked the Lord why He wanted us in Australia instead of a poorer, third world country, He said, “I love the people of Australia the same as those in India or Africa.”   As I began to study about Australia, I discovered that only about 5% of the population was born-again!


Finally, by way of a divine appointment (being in the right place at the right time by direction of the Holy Spirit), we received an invitation to work in Australia.  We were so excited! I knew that I had to save as much money as I could for the trip, so in November, 1991, I asked the Lord to give us a rent-free place to live until March, when we planned to leave.


I asked my prayer partners to agree with us for such a place to be manifested.  Therefore, I had absolutely no doubt in my mind, or in my spirit, that God would provide such a place for us by December 1.


As the last weekend in November approached, I knew I must put “feet” to my faith.  I phoned a good friend, John Redeagle, and asked him if he would take me to collect packing boxes on Saturday, in his pick-up (my car had transmission problems).  He asked me when I was moving . . . I said, “Monday.”  He then asked me where I was moving . . . I said, “I don’t know.”  Being a “fanatic” for Jesus himself, he just laughed and said, “You faith people are crazy!”  We both laughed.


He picked me up on Saturday morning, a little later than I expected, and we started the “box hunt.”  We turned east on a very busy 4-lane street in Tulsa, (heading for Wal-Mart) when I spied an apartment complex dumpster (on the opposite side of the street) full of boxes.  I mentioned it, and immediately John turned across 3 lanes of traffic into the complex parking lot.  Somewhat startled by his sudden change of direction, I told him that we could have picked up the boxes on the way back.  But, he said he felt an urgency in his spirit that he believed was prompted by the approach of the local trash collectors, and said, “I was afraid the trash truck would get them before we did.”


We began to load boxes into the back of the pick-up very quickly as the trash collectors pulled up.  As we were loading, a very pretty Hispanic girl walked up to the dumpster and told me that she had some very sturdy boxes in her apartment that I could have if I would help her carry them.  So, we walked to her apartment, leaving John with the trash collectors.  During the walk, she asked me where I was moving to, and I told her that I didn’t know yet, but that God was working on it.  She was excited to meet another Christian and told me she was from Peru and working here as an engineer.


We got to her apartment and I was very surprised to see that it was empty except for a small cot she used for a bed.  I was immediately impressed to tell her what God was doing in our lives and that if God placed us in someone’s home where my furniture was not needed, I would give it all to her.  She was quiet for a moment, and then very deliberately said, “You can move in here with me for the three months before you leave.”  I was shocked!  (of course, I had not told her that God had promised a rent-free place to us).  I began to pray in my heart, that God would confirm this “meeting at the dumpster”, if indeed He had arranged it.  I immediately explained that I had a 13 yr. old son, and she said that was O.K. with her.  Then I asked her how much she would need in rent for us to share her apartment, and she quickly said, “No, no, no I would not charge you anything.”


God is so much bigger than we can ever imagine!!!!


Well, I asked her to come over to my apartment and see if the furniture was acceptable to her.  She and a friend of hers, Pauline, came over that evening and we had a very nice visit.  Not only did we agree on the living arrangements, but God impressed Pauline to loan me the use of her car so I could accept temp work for the following week!


That is how Marianella and I met; that is how God provided for our needs to be met!  If John had not been a “little” late, or if he had not heeded the Holy Spirit’s prompting to go directly to the dumpster, we could have missed this wonderful plan.


I know God is smiling over that day, as I often smile when I think about it, and I am quite sure John does too.