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Missionary Pat Bates - "CHRISTMAS TEARS" -

“Christmas Tears From Nowhere.”

Missionary Pat Bates, Oklahoma


It was one of the most beautiful days we spent in Quezaltanango, Guatemala.  I knew something special was going to happen as we loaded in the van to go to the public hospital.


It was a shock to me to see the condition of the patients.  It was very dirty and there was no place for any patient to be secluded or quarantined.  As we went through the wards praying and listening to the hopes and dreams of the families who were waiting for their loved ones to come home for Christmas, we were touched dramatically by one particular patient.


There was one young man in a bed in the middle of a ward, with sickness all around him, who had been badly burned.  I was told that I must go to see him.  As I approached his bed, I began to cry.  His face was so badly burned, he had no eyelids and his skin was peeling.  Everyone was praying for the other people in the ward, but no one came to his bed.  I went closer and one of my companions grabbed my arm and said, “NO, we cannot touch him, we might infect him.”  I looked at my surroundings, and said, “You’ve got to be kidding.”


I went over to him as tears fell from my cheeks, only to see terror in his eyes.  I asked him if I could pray for him.  He nodded, and as I reached my hand forward to place it on his head, I noticed a tear roll from my chin and fell upon his cheek.  I lightly touched his forehead and began to pray.  When I looked down again, I saw tears flooding from his eyes, rolling down each side of his face onto the small pillow.  I asked him if he was a Christian, he nodded.  I rephrased the question and asked, “Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?”  He shook his head “NO.”  He could not speak, but as I prayed a prayer of salvation, I know he prayed in his heart because his face was illuminated with peace.


To this day, I do not know where his tears came from.  The nurse said that his tear ducts had been completely damaged and could not function.


We went back to the hospital 3 days later . . . he had gone home to be with his Savior.  I know I will see him again, and when I do, he will be dancing and singing and praising the Lord! 


God is so Good!


Merry Christmas and

Happy Birthday, Jesus!