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Missionary Pat Bates - "THE HOLY SPIRIT" -


Missionary Pat Bates, Oklahoma


When I finished writing my book, Selah, back in 1992, I sighed a sigh of relief.  THEN God woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "Why have you forgotten my Holy Spirit?"  Well, I was so convicted in that I had not written a "Confession For Life" regarding the Holy Spirit.  I immediately began to pray and I received the following from the depths of my heart.



HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for always being there for me . . . I am never alone.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for always comforting me.  You were sent to be my comforter; I ACCEPT YOUR COMFORT!

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for teaching me about the gift of righteousness that Jesus gave to me.

HOLY SPIRIT,  because I am righteous, you are ordering my steps and you will never lead me away from God's word.

HOLY SPIRIT,  forgive me if I have grieved you.  I purpose this day not to grieve you by any of my thoughts, my words or my actions.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for speaking the things of JESUS to me, so I may be changed to His image.  You are renewing my mind by the things you speak to me.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for speaking through me in a heavenly language, so my prayers are effective when I do not know how to pray as I should.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for the supernatural gifts you have installed within me, and for overseeing my use of them.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for the power to be an effective witness to others so they may be saved.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for enabling me to be "God-inside" minded . . . sin consciousness has left me.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for filling my heart with Agape love through the shed blood of Jesus, so I may love those He loves.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for being greater in me than the devil is in the world.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for lifting me up and coming to my aid in time of trouble.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for enabling me to glorify, worship and honor the Father.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for giving me power, love and a sound mind.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for uniting me with the whole body of Christ, and for teaching me to intercede for their needs.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for bringing all things to my remembrance.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for continually working in, loving and wooing my unsaved loved ones to the Lord.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for convicting and convincing me of my sins . . . I repent so that I may stand before the Father without spot or wrinkle.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for being a witness to my spirit that I am truly a child of God.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for spending time with me . . . for laughing with me . . . for crying with me . . . fpr beig my closest friend.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for revealing hidden things, secret things to me and for giving me the power to recognize evil . . . that I may seperate myself from it!

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for alerting me to the things necessary for me to know so I can prepare for the future.

HOLY SPIRIT,  thank you for being a gentleman and answering me when I call, and for being patient with me as I grow in your teachings.


 I think this is something that will benefit all of us if we take the time to speak this love to the Holy Spirit every day.  It will please Him and it will raise us up to a much higher level of relationship with Him.



Your Sister,
