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Missionary Pat Bates - "A GODLY MARRIAGE" -


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Missionary Pat Bates, Oklahoma


Beloved, I wish above all thing that you prosper and BE IN health as your soul prospers.  You will prosper financially and physically in direct proportion to your commitment to God.  LET THERE BE NO LIMITS!!!  III John 2


Let ALL bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, together with malice.  Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God has forgiven you.  Ephesians 4:31-32


A wise person controls his temper; he knows anger causes mistakes.  Proverbs 14:29


The beginning of strife is like a releasing of a flood.  STOP CONTENTION BEFORE IT STARTS!!  A SOFT WORD WILL TURN IT AWAY!   Proverbs 17:14, 15:1


The person who covers a transgression, seeks love.  But one who brings up past mistakes will separate a union.  Proverbs 17:9


The discretion of a person makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.  Proverbs 19:11


Do not lie to each other, God hates a lying tongue  . . . that is part of your old life, you are now a child of God.  Colossians 3:9, Proverbs 6:16


Therefore, as a child of God, holy and beloved, put on tenderness, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.  Colossians 3:12


Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being in one accord and one mind.  Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind, let each other esteem the other better than himself.  Philippians 2:2-3


Do all things without complaining or disputing that you may become blameless and harmless children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the Word of Life.  Philippians 2:14-15


No weapon formed against your marriage will prosper if you stay in God’s Word and spend time with Him daily.  Isaiah 54:17


You must not fellowship with unbelievers.  II Corinthians 6:14, Ephesians 5:3-11


At least one tenth of all you have must be continually given to the Lord so the devourer (satan) will be rebuked by the Lord himself, and He can pour you out such a blessing you won’t have room to contain it.  Malachi 3:10-11





You must give 100% every day to the other, then pride, selfishness and jealously will gain no foothold in your marriage.






Getting ready to go to church today, decided to lie down for a few minutes; I turned on a CD that I have of Paula White teaching. Don’t know how it happened, but it started playing in the middle of her sermon. The first words I heard were: “You have been in a place of preparation! Now it’s the season for position!”  She went on to say – if it had been God’s time for you 10 or 20 years ago – He would have positioned you then. You had to be prepared before you were positioned. You’ve been in preparation – now it’s your season for being positioned.  This really ministered to me… felt like she was talking directly to ME!  PTL!


Then… on the way into town, the Holy Spirit began asking me questions… like: “If I ask you to do this… will you?”  - “If I say do that… will you do it?”  Talked to me all the way into town… it all added up to – am I ready to lay down anything that would take away from what He wants to do in my life – for this new season. Am I ready to “pay the price.” YES LORD… I said… several times… ANYTHING that YOU give me to do, if I know it is YOU, when You open the doors, and anoint me to do it – I WILL DO IT!! YES, YES, YES!!!


Walked into the church, they were having worship practice… they were practicing a new song (new to that church)...  “Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord… Amen  hehehe!!  I had myself a little church service right then! 


Then, Pastor Scott taught from Luke 2:41-52 – talking about Jesus as a child. He talked about all the knowledge that Jesus had – and how He astounded the greatest religious leaders of His time… at age 12… then, it says… “He went down to Nazareth – where He submitted Himself to His parents; there He grew in wisdom and stature, and increased in favor with God and man.”  (Because you know all this, so you’ll get the whole picture without me saying it all)… he went on to say that “Nazareth” means (something like, can’t recall exactly)… a “Place of preparation.” He talked about all the years that Jesus was in preparation – for just three years of ministry. He went on to talk about God not really needing all the talent and ability that man has to offer – after all, He gave it to us… it is the heart of man that interests Him – and He is after character. Talked about men who were put in the pulpit before preparation, and how they couldn’t make it, mentioned the percentage of pastors who last less than 5-years, etc.  He also said… “You watch… this is a season that God is going to use the most unlikely people. You’re going to hear from people you’ve never heard of; the people He’s had hidden away, for a time of preparation – now it’s their season and He’ll bring them out of obscurity.


Ha!!  By this time I wanted to stand up and say ME, ME… THAT’S ME!!! ha!! An Incredible day!! 


AND THEN…. Frosting on the cake!! Sermon was over; we had communion – and a time of saying YES LORD – to preparation, to God’s plan for our life, in this season, a time of ‘show me my heart Lord…” After communion, we just stepped right back into a place of worship – and no one wanted to leave. (don’t ya just love those kind!!) Pastor Scott started to dismiss in prayer… put the mic down and asked me if God was talking to me… well… He’d been talking to me ALL DAY!  LOL!  (oh how I wish it was like this every day!!!)  Timid lil’, insecure… hide in the back pew… ME… walked right up to the front – took the mic – and flat out PREACHED!!!  hehehe!! Who-da-thunk-it!!!  When I had shared what was on my heart – I returned to my seat – Scott said – okay if that word ministers to anyone and you want prayer – come right now, we’re going to pray. Don’t remember how many came, 9 or 10 I think – but he asked me to pray with him. The anointing was so strong I could hardly stand UP!! Think I got my answer or WHAT?!?  J  GOD IS SO GOOD and FAITHFUL… and patient… and kind to His kids!!!


Just wanted to share that with you, and thanks again for praying with me concerning this. Oh yes… almost forgot – you know that “flow” that I talked about – that I so desperately needed – well… It was either Thursday night or Friday night – I got to studying a little, and before I even realized it – The Lord was really pouring things through me onto paper.  J  Isn’t God GOOD to me!!