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Text Box: Pat Bates…
Wacky Wisdom




For the Mature Audience . . .



Remember the days when popular music made you want to tap your feet on the floor, not bang you head against the wall?


Don’t fret over what you’d do with your time if you could live it over . . . get busy and make today worthwhile.


You can cure a person of almost any illness by mentioning that it’s symptoms are a sign of advancing age.


You do not grow old – you become old by not growing.


Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time for.


Life is just like an ice-cream cone – so learn to lick it.


When you are through changing . . . you are through!


One of the quickest ways to meet new people is to pick up the wrong ball on the golf course.


While money isn’t everything, it does keep you in touch with your children.


Make the most of your life before most of your life is gone.


OH! to have the gift to think for ourselves as we can think for others!   Lol :0)


How nice it would be if there was just something left these days that could honestly be called “unmentionable”!


One of the greatest pleasures in life is doing what people say you cannot!


To be eighty years young is far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old.



When I think “I just can’t”,

I look at this guy-







Why we should never neglect

a savings account-



Have an incredible life!!






get this gear!