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On flash fires, wild fires and religion


Darrel Bird, Oregon




On flash fires, wild fires and religion


Fire needs fuel in order to keep burning, set fire to a clump of dry grass it will flame up, sizzle and poof, it is gone but let that fire reach a dry forest and it will burn with a great conflagration.


When I was a child of about six years old, one cold and Windy day I decided to build my self a fire, after all I had seen my Dad do it many times.


So I pulled out some grass from my father’s haystack and set a kitchen match to it and the fire immediately caught the hay and “flashed off” and spread from there to my Dad’s haystack and proceeded to burn the haystack.


That day I learned about fire, and my Dad warmed the seat of my pants for burning his haystack which was stored food for our cattle and horses for the winter, a summer’s harvest of hay gone up in smoke. Yes Sir, I got my seat plenty warmed up.


If one would desire to keep “Revival fires” going that fire must find fuel. If we are to keep the fires of the Spirit burning in our lives we must find other lives to touch.


We can have a great experience in the church but if it does not reach out to other peoples lives it will be just a “Flash” fire.


Other people’s lives are the fuel, the sick, the lonely, the hurting and the dying, the lost, the deceived, there really is no “wow factor” involved in this, it involves the “work factor”.


A church house is only a box by the side of the road, there very well may be fire enough to warm oneself within those walls but if that is far as it reaches it is a “contained fire” and will not even warm the neighbor hood.


We are the “bucket of coals” to be carried to light off other fires with.

If our religion is nothing more than to keep the fire contained, to come home satisfied with that containment only to go back and “tend the fire” then what have we accomplished?


True “Revival” cannot be “contained” by its very nature for it, like the fire it must find fuel, if it does not, then it will go out.


It is not God that “misfires ” he said “Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.


He has been faithful and given us of his Spirit so what else can we ask? Sit in church pews and plead for more? Some greater miracle? Keep waiting for him to do the job he gave us? I got news for you, God can out wait you.


There is no “price to pay” accept that of obedience to the word and go “unto the uttermost part of the earth” and be witnesses to him.


Bless me and my wife my son and his wife, us four and no more. That the attitude? If it is then “Revival” is only a dream so just keep on dreaming and see where it gets you.


But if we want the revival fires then we need to go out and touch some ones life with the coal God gave us, tell someone about salvation, visit the sick, and the infirm or something, find a way to serve or in a greater capacity, someone to minister Gods love to, who knows we just might get a big one going.