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Bearing Gifts

Bearing Gifts

Darrel Bird, Oregon


Very soon, the T.V. commercials for every gadget imaginable will be in full swing. And many of us will gather, bearing gifts to one another.


It is customary for my family to gather at someone’s house Christmas Eve, first we let the kids open their gifts, and then the adults open theirs.


On the signal, there is the rattle and tearing of paper, the cameras flash as we try to capture memories of the children on film opening some special gift they wanted, and some they didn’t ask for. There is an old song that goes something like this, “If I could put time in a bottle”. At those times gathered with my children and grandchildren, I wish that I could put time in a bottle.


One thing about that is for sure, no one refuses a gift, even if it is something we really can’t care less for, we gracefully receive it from the hand of a loved one.

It is a passing moment, a temporal thing, and the memory of it fades so quickly.


I wonder how the Lord feels, He gave the gift of Jesus and many would not accept him.


Jesus gave the gift of salvation and there are many who would not and will not receive it.


The Holy Ghost came bearing gifts at Pentecost and there are many who does not receive him or his gifts.


Our children appeal to parents and grandparents for some special gifts and yet many of Gods children do not seek the gifts the Holy Spirit has for his people.


Most parents get a blessing from giving a special gift that a child has longed for.


Yet we do not seek the best gifts from the heavenly father who waits to give these good gifts to his children for the edification of all.


He came bearing gifts of all kinds and those gifts are recorded in the gift of his Word. Jesus poured out His blood that we might have those gifts as recorded in the book of Acts and Corinthians.


Some say those gifts are not for us today, and many do not receive because they do not understand that the Holy Spirit has more for them.


Our children are showered with gifts, they get more than what they ask for, and God can give us more than what we ask for, and yet there are many who go along thinking salvation is all that He has for us.


I wonder how the Lord feels.


How would you feel if the children would only open one package, you tell them “Yes I purchased that for you, but look, I have these other gifts for you.” But they refuse to even look at beautifully wrapped gifts you spent so much time and effort to present to them.


Matthew 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?


Corinthians I 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.


I’m so sorry Paul, but this world is steeped in ignorance of those spiritual gifts, we roll in ignorance with pride like a sow rolls in mud.


We do without because of unbelief and unawareness of gifts that were bought with a price.

The father waits for us to seek the best gifts, and we turn up our nose at the thought.


We gladly accept the gifts that are so temporal from the hand of a loved one and ignore the gifts that are not temporal and from the hand of God.


We glibly quote Corinthians I 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.


We take this scripture to the matt as excuse for not seeking them, but this scripture in no way means there are no eternal consequences involved in our not seeking them.


Many souls may depend on us having these gifts in operation and yet they remain unsought for by so many.


If we really have the love that never fails we will seek all that God has for us with our whole heart. 


I don’t suppose I will ever know how the Lord really feels about all this, I suppose if He let me to know I could not bear it, but sometimes I just have to wonder.


The Father waits longingly for us to ask, and He wants to shower us with good gifts.


John 16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.