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Dearest Jesus,


Darrel Bird, Oregon


Dearest Jesus,


I wanted to take keyboard in hand (as you know, we just about quit using pencils) to let you know I love you and to answer your many letters just in case there’s some I didn’t get around to answering. Thanks for all of them.


I read them often, I know you have been busy building new homes for saints and such, thank God the lines are not down and we can still talk person to person and it doesn’t seem to interfere with the construction.


I just want to tell you of how proud I am of you in all that you have accomplished here.


Forgive me for not writing sooner, I will continue to keep all your precious letters and to go over them often.


Thanks again for all your gifts and letters, I know in your last letter you said you would be returning soon, I look forward to it, however there are some who are not yet acquainted with you and I want them to know what a friend you are so they can welcome your return also.

I will try to tell them about you the best I can for I know that when you return all us Christians will be leaving at the same time to make the return trip with you.


Our brother Paul said it would be in the twinkling of an eye so sounds like a hurried trip.

Since it will be a fast trip I am already packed, actually I really don’t have any luggage and in one of your letters you said everything would be furnished anyway.

 I do have the beautiful robe you gave me when we first met, it doesn’t wear out or get dirty so I wear it around all the time, thanks so much for the robe as I didn’t have the money too purchase one and you took my tattered and dirty one I had on when I met you and got rid of it, so I really won’t be bringing any luggage.

I checked around here and thought about bringing a few things but there’s nothing really worth anything so it will just be me and my robe from here.


The place you are preparing sounds nice, gold is hard to come by around here but one of your letters indicated you use it for pavement up there, we are still using asphalt! It stinks when you heat it up but it will do for now.


I mentioned several people to you the other day about my concerns for them and I know you are concerned too and will take care of the matters.


You said to call anytime so I will make full use of that.


I will close for now and mail this, we don’t need stamps we got a thing called E-mail, things sure have changed, all I have to do is press this little button and off it goes. I am sharing my letter to you with special friends this morning.

All my Love, say hello to Dad and Mom and Sis, also greet Paul and all the rest for me.





John 14:1  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

John 14:2   In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

John 14:3   And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

John 14:4  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.